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PNotes.NET for Windows 7 - PNotes.NET: Organize Life Better! - Windows 7 Download

PNotes.NET Windows 7


"PNotes.NET: Ultimate Note-taking Software for Windows 7"

Introducing PNotes.NET, the ultimate solution for organizing your notes on Windows 7! Developed by Andrey Gruber, this software allows you to create, manage and customize your notes in a clean and efficient way. With features such as password protection, an intuitive user interface, and the ability to add images and hyperlinks, PNotes.NET will revolutionize the way you handle your everyday tasks. Don't wait any longer and start taking control of your notes today with PNotes.NET!

PNotes.NET full details

File Size: 4.44 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-11-18
Downloads: Total: 3884 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Andrey Gruber
Publisher URL:

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PNotes.NETOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2003, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.4 (32 votes)

PNotes.NET - Windows 7 Download awards

PNotes.NET windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

PNotes.NET full description

Managing your day-to-day life is not an easy job to do. There are so many things to concern for - housekeeping, shopping, children... And what about cousin's birthday you always forget? Or important phone numbers? Undoubtedly your working place is covered with dusty yellow (or blue, or pink) sticky notes. If so - PNotes is right for you. Throw the physical stickies away and replace them with virtual ones on your desktop. PNotes (Pinned Notes or Portable Notes, use what you prefer) is written entirely in C and Windows API - so it is fast and light-weight. It has flexible settings - both for the program in whole and for individual note. Skins, fonts, colors, alarms, tags, transparency level - all-in-one. Any portion of note's text can be formatted separately. There is a variety of skins for PNotes and, moreover, you can create your own one if download PNSkinCreator - a small utility for creation PNotes skins. Notes can also be skinless, that allows stretching them to any reasonable size. You may set the password, which will prevent unauthorized access to program. In this case you can also store the notes as encrypted files, so even if you lose your USB stick nobody could read them. Each note or group may be password protected. It is possible to schedule each note to remind you about significant events by different ways. Instead of using sound files you may let your notes to speak their text aloud. One more PNotes feature - ability to join notes into groups by your choice. You can create, modify, delete and relocate groups by simple click or drag-and-drop. In order to save important information you may use FTP syncing or backups. PNotes also supports notes exchange over local network. PNotes is fully Unicode supported and translated into many languages. And, obviously, it is portable - it leaves no traces in Windows registry and can be started from any drive (fixed or flash) on any computer. Take your notes with you to any location.

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PNotes.NET Windows 7 release notes

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PNotes.NET Windows 7 requirements

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