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300 Radio Electronics schemes for Windows 7 - "300 Radio Schemes - Amplify Your Projects" - Windows 7 Download

300 Radio Electronics schemes Windows 7

300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0

"Amplify your electronics skills with 300 comprehensive schemes."

Introducing the must-have Windows 7 software for every radio enthusiast - 300 Radio Electronics Schemes by RadioStorage. Whether you're a novice or a pro, this handy program offers an extensive collection of schematics for a range of electronic devices. With an easy-to-navigate interface, you can quickly access detailed instructions for a variety of projects. From simple circuits to complex gadgets, 300 Radio Electronics Schemes has got all your DIY needs covered. Download now and take your electronics skills to the next level!

300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0 full details

File Size: 25.19 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-11-02
Downloads: Total: 283 | This Month: 13
Publisher: RadioStorage
Publisher URL:

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300 Radio Electronics schemesScienceWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows

User Rating: 3.9 (16 votes)

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300 Radio Electronics schemes windows 7 compatible

300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0 full description

A collection of electronics circuits. More than 300 schemes conveniently sorted into categories , easy to navigate . The collection will be of interest and use to radio amateurs and those who are interested in radio electronics . This volume presents the concepts of low-frequency amplifiers , circuits, radio transmitters and receivers , radio , design for life and home automation and switching, simple schemes to repeat novice amateurs and others. Minimum System Requirements : AMD / Intel Microprocessor, 30MB hard disk space. OS : Win9x, Win2k-XP, Win7. Programm interface and content language: Russian. The list of categories of concepts in the program : Circuits for motorists Speakers design Power Supplies Home electronics Sensors and indicators Metal detectors Regulators and Temperature Meter Switching load , relays, timers Protection of electronic equipment Measurements For the musician Radio Transmitters QRP transceivers Radios and transceivers Radios Radiocontrol Amplifiers for car Amplifiers on lamps Amplifiers on transistors Amplifiers on integrated chips

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300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
300 schemes in database available now!
[ 300 Radio Electronics schemes release history ]

300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Intel/AMD 100 MHz and higher CPU, 50 MB HDD free space

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