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AAAdvanced Applet Suite for Windows 7 - "Upgrade your web with Advanced Applet Suite." - Windows 7 Download

AAAdvanced Applet Suite Windows 7

AAAdvanced Applet Suite 1.1

"Unlock Your Website's Potential with Advanced Applet Suite - Your All-in-One Solution"

Looking for a comprehensive set of applets to enhance your website? Look no further than AAAdvanced Applet Suite from A1 Wyka-Warzecha. This suite of applets includes over 30 unique and customizable tools to add dynamic, interactive features to your site. From image galleries and menus to games and simulations, AAAdvanced Applet Suite has everything you need to bring your site to life. Plus, with easy installation and user-friendly customization options, adding these applets to your site has never been easier. Don't settle for a static, boring website – elevate it with AAAdvanced Applet Suite.

AAAdvanced Applet Suite 1.1 full details

File Size: 1.17 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2007-10-26
Downloads: Total: 623 | This Month: 10
Publisher: A1 Wyka-Warzecha
Publisher URL:

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AAAdvanced Applet SuiteKidsWin 3.1x, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Java

User Rating: 3.2 (23 votes)

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AAAdvanced Applet Suite 1.1 full description

Create cool and exciting java projects in seconds with the amazing Advanced Applet Suite!, (C) Wyka-Warzecha Enterprises! It has an EASY to use GUI interface, plus, you can use it for free! With it, you can: * Use the easy GUI interface to create o Scratch and Win Gameso Vertical and Horizontal Java Menuso Professional Image FX/Banner FX o Crossword Games with sounds, cool FX o Streaming Audio for your website o Professional ANIMATED 3D PieCharts! * Easy to SAVE and LOAD web projects, so no more need to manually remember which files go where! * Virtually NO CODING required!!! (big plus!) * Extensive help file * It's fast! * Includes the evaluation versions of great software titles such as AScratchNWin!, ABCMenuMan!, NavABC!, BannerManPRO!, KaaBlitz Crossword!, MiniSpeak! and 1-2-3 PieCharts!

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