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ABCpdf x64 for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize PDF handling with ABCpdf x64" - Windows 7 Download

ABCpdf x64 Windows 7

ABCpdf x64

"Revolutionize your PDF editing with ABCpdf x64."

ABCpdf x64 from WebSupergoo Software is a powerful software designed to help you create and manipulate PDF files with ease. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, this software is a must-have for anyone who needs to work with PDF documents on a regular basis. Whether you need to convert files to PDF, add watermarks or signatures, or create interactive forms, ABCpdf x64 has got you covered. Its 64-bit capabilities make it faster and more efficient than ever before, so you can focus on getting your work done quickly and efficiently. If you're looking for a reliable and versatile PDF tool, look no further than ABCpdf x64.

ABCpdf x64 full details

File Size: 137.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $329.00
Released: 2024-05-30
Downloads: Total: 933 | This Month: 14
Publisher: WebSupergoo Software
Publisher URL:

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ABCpdf x64Office Suites & ToolsWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.0 (17 votes)

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ABCpdf x64 full description

ABCpdf x64 is simple yet powerful. It's designed so you can get up to speed quickly, yet not limit you, should you need precise, low level control over how your PDFs are generated. ABCpdf is a handy tool that will allow you to create pure dynamic PDF documents or to read and modify existing PDF documents. These can either be saved to file or streamed direct to a client browser.

ABCpdf x64 is fast and lightweight. It's been designed specifically for high performance, multithreaded environments like IIS. However if you want to use it in a less demanding environment like a regular application that's fine too.

The ABCpdf x64 documentation is just packed with examples so that you can always tell exactly how to use a method or accomplish a task. If that's not enough for you - we're always on hand and glad to help. If you can't see a good way to do something - just ask...

ABCpdf x64 supports a vast range of image formats including JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, EXIF, WMF and EMF. It supports multiple frames so you can convert multi-page CCITT or Group 4 Fax TIFFs to PDF documents.

You can either reference fonts, keeping your PDF documents lightweight for distribution on the web. Or for guaranteed fidelity of reproduction you can subset and embed fonts into your PDFs.

There are lots of text settings to allow you precise control over the way that your text is displayed and laid out. Paragraph indent, kerning and tracking, word spacing, line spacing, paragraph spacing and horizontal justification are just some of the settings you can control. And of course it's fully Unicode compliant.

ABCpdf x64 supports HTML and HTML styled text. Import HTML from local or remote web sites. HTML styled text allows easy creation and layout of multi-styled text.

Create encrypted PDFs for secure storage of PDF documents. Use eForm placeholder fields in your template documents to position and lay out dynamically created elements.

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