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aclEZ full changelog

aclEZ full changelog

aclEZ 16.5.3 released Aug 29, 2017 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 16.5.2 released Jul 20, 2017 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 16.5.1 released Apr 13, 2017 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 16.5.0 released Nov 13, 2016 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 16.0.4 released May 27, 2016 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 12.1.0a released Aug 17, 2015 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 12.1.0 released Jul 9, 2015 (New Release)
New -Open Server dialog: Option to save server names in Notes.ini for future reference, as well as manage the list.
Fixed - Now you can Switch ID or use Full Admin Access after trying to open a database without the proper access rights; single-database products (like scanEZ) will re-open the database, server products (like aclEZ) will keep the database in the tree to re-open.
Improved -Select a Server dialog: Better management of the 'Other & list Servers from Passthru Connexion' documents.
New - Now you can specify folders to load when selecting a target server to open in the tool, so no need to load them all. You can add folders as well as save a list of folders to re-use (saved in the file YtriaServerFoldersList.txt).
New - Extended NAB content search: This option adds common name, internet access and mail-in database when checking NAB for group member existence.
New - Option to find all users who are not in any Groups.
Fixed - Hitting 'Enter' was closing the Group Navigator when fo
aclEZ 12.0.6 released Oct 7, 2014 (New Release)
Fixed bug: Invalid entries are now designated with an [X] in the Group Navigator grid without affecting the parent groups.
aclEZ 12.0.5 released Jul 31, 2014 (New Release)
Fixed bug: Invalid entries are now designated with an [X] in the Group Navigator grid without affecting the parent groups.
aclEZ 12.0.0 released Apr 16, 2014 (New Release)
Fixed bug: Invalid entries are now designated with an [X] in the Group Navigator grid without affecting the parent groups.

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