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Acoustica Standard Edition for Windows 7 - "Revamp your audio with Acoustica SE" - Windows 7 Download

Acoustica Standard Edition Windows 7

Acoustica Standard Edition 7.5.5

"Experience professional audio editing with Acoustica Standard - the ultimate software for Windows 7."

Introducing Acoustica Standard Edition - the innovative audio editing software developed by Acon Digital Media GmbH. This powerful tool allows you to edit, remix and master audio files like a pro. Featuring a user-friendly interface, Acoustica Standard Edition comes equipped with numerous effects and tools that enable you to produce high-quality recordings with ease. Experience the power of Acoustica Standard Edition for yourself by downloading it today.

Acoustica Standard Edition 7.5.5 full details

File Size: 257.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $59.90
Released: 2023-11-17
Downloads: Total: 352 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Acon Digital Media GmbH
Publisher URL:

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Acoustica Standard EditionMusic ComposersWindows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.1 (20 votes)

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Acoustica Standard Edition 7.5.5 full description

Acoustica is a comprehensive audio editor for recording, editing, mixing and mastering. The intuitive user interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease-of-use in mind and offers a large set of high quality processing tools to make your recordings sound the best. The consistent workflow simplifies your audio production work and batch processing, powerful audio restoration tools as well as Red Book compatible CD burning is also included.

Acoustica Standard Edition can also provide you with all the necessary tools so that you can perform audio restorations. With these, you will be able to eliminate background noises from certain audio files and fix certain missing high frequency content.
New in Acoustica 6 is the ability to edit multitrack audio. Both the Standard and the Premium Edition allows you to mix audio from different tracks in real-time, add audio effects to tracks or easily create cross-fades. You can even loop or time stretch clips directly from the multitrack timeline.

You can create complete chains of processing tools, including external plug-ins, and save them along with all the parameter settings for later use. VST and DirectX plug-in support allows you to access a vast number of both free and commercial third party audio processing plug-ins directly from Acoustica.

The user interface is really not complicated, so as to enable any type of person to easily make their way around it. In the upper side of the main window, you are able to see the Menu Bar and a panel with buttons containing the most used actions in the app, while on the right side you are able to change the volume at output and the level meters. Here, you are also going to find the phase correlation and FFT analyzers. On the lower part of the main screen you can see the file browser and the effect chain panels. In the middle, occupying the most space in the window, you are able to see the audio files you have imported or recorded.

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