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ActivityMon Home/Family for Windows 7 - "Monitor your family's activity with ease." - Windows 7 Download

ActivityMon Home/Family Windows 7

ActivityMon Home/Family

"Track computer activity easily with ActivityMon Home/Family. Monitor with ease."

Looking for software to keep tabs on your family's computer usage? Look no further than ActivityMon Home/Family. Developed by ActivityMon Software, this user-friendly program lets you monitor your loved ones' activity while also providing comprehensive reports and alerts. Keep your family safe and on-task with this essential tool.

ActivityMon Home/Family full details

File Size: 12.58 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $39.00
Released: 2013-10-02
Downloads: Total: 497 | This Month: 8
Publisher: ActivityMon Software
Publisher URL:

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ActivityMon Home/FamilyCovert SurveillanceWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.5 (40 votes)

ActivityMon Home/Family - Windows 7 Download awards

ActivityMon Home/Family windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

ActivityMon Home/Family full description

ActivityMon is monitoring software which allows monitoring of keystrokes, visited web sites, started/stopped applications, their processes & windows, connected/disconnected devices and takes screenshots of the user desktop or currently active window. Monitored activities and screenshots can be viewed by the modern, comfort and user friendly viewer. Summary Outlook style calendar view is a part of the Activities Viewer. All the aspects of monitoring can be customized to meet your needs in the password protected settings. ActivityMon can be installed in the invisible mode to hide monitoring from the user. Product can be easily updated with builtin feature and purchased license contains 5 months of free updates with the all upcoming features available! ActivityMon is compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP, both 32bit and 64bit platforms are supported. Stored monitored data are encrypted using the 256bit AES cipher.

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ActivityMon Home/Family Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Windows 8 support, digital signature, avast! detection, fixed full desktop screenshots capturing, more robust internal technologies
[ ActivityMon Home/Family release history ]

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