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Advanced File Indexer for Windows 7 - "Streamline Your Search with Advanced File Indexer" - Windows 7 Download

Advanced File Indexer Windows 7

Advanced File Indexer 1.11

"Organize files effortlessly with Advanced File Indexer - a game-changer for Windows 7 users."

As a Windows 7 user, organizing your files just got easier with Advanced File Indexer. Developed by the trusted brand, Advanced Reliable Software, Inc., this software is designed for efficient file indexing and organization with customizable options. Simplify your search and stay organized with Advanced File Indexer. Download now!

Advanced File Indexer 1.11 full details

File Size: 410 kB
License: Demo
Price: $14.99
Released: 2015-06-28
Downloads: Total: 390 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Advanced Reliable Software, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Advanced File IndexerFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.5 (17 votes)

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Advanced File Indexer 1.11 full description

Advanced File Indexer is a useful application which simplifies tedious tasks of indexing and monitoring files in a specific directory or a directory tree. Advanced File Indexer persists file index in the following formats: SQL Server database table, MySQL database table, XML file, CSV spreadsheet, HTML file, text file.

Advanced File Indexer persists the following information about each indexed file: file name, extension, file path, size, directory path, date and time created, date and time last modified, date and time last accessed.

File index stored in a relational database table can be easily queried with the help of SQL (Structured Query Language). File index stored in CSV format can be sorted with the help of any spreadsheet application e.g. Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc. File index stored in XML format can be easily queried with the help of XPath (XML Path Language). File index stored in HTML or text formats can be easily published on the Internet or distributed via e-mail.

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