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Advanced NMEA Data Logger for Windows 7 - Advanced NMEA Data Logger: Precise GPS Data. - Windows 7 Download

Advanced NMEA Data Logger Windows 7

Advanced NMEA Data Logger

Transform your Windows 7 into a data logging powerhouse!

Welcome to the ultimate data logging solution for Windows 7, the Advanced NMEA Data Logger by AGG Software. This powerful software captures and logs NMEA data from GPS devices, remote sensors, and other serial devices. With its user-friendly interface and advanced customization options, it is perfect for both novice and experienced users. Say goodbye to manual data entry and start logging with ease today.

Advanced NMEA Data Logger full details

File Size: 13.11 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $65.00
Released: 2024-05-27
Downloads: Total: 1098 | This Month: 14
Publisher: AGG Software
Publisher URL:

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Advanced NMEA Data LoggerOther Comms ToolsWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 1.8 (24 votes)

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Advanced NMEA Data Logger windows 7 compatible

Advanced NMEA Data Logger full description

You may be a professional hardware or network engineer, or a university student making his first steps towards a professional career, or a talented technology lover illuminated by a new bright technical idea and looking for a handy tool for fine-tuning your hardware-software system. Whichever the case may be, look no further than Advanced NMEA Data Logger, for it may well satisfy all of your technical needs. The program allows you to collect GPS or NMEA data from any NMEA compatible device in real time, transmit and acquire serial data over RS232 or your LAN. Parse your dataflow the way you want with a built-in parser and transfer it to any application, DOS- or Windows-based. If you have several NMEA devices working simultaneously, do not worry - Advanced NMEA Data Logger can handle multiple ports at once and record the data to a hard disk or any specified location! This is not just a standalone application that you may inadvertently close and lose valuable data - Advanced NMEA Data Logger can work as a NT service, which means that users may log on and off the PC, and the program will be there recording your information, catching every precious bit. Good functionality and power at a less-than-affordable price! Key features: * capability to log multiple ports simultaneously. Each device may have fully different parameters * supports all talker types (Atomic Clock, Sounder, Turn Rate sensors etc) * capture all standard GPS sentences and some proprietary sentences for Garmin, SiRF and StarLink instruments * supports custom baudrates * supports date/time stamping * supports aggregation of multiple sentences to one data record * writes received NMEA data without any changes to a log file * data parsers that allows you to parse, filter and format your NMEA data * data writing to ready-to-use MS Excel sheets * data export to any ODBC-compatible DB * works as a service or a standalone application on all Windows versions

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Advanced NMEA Data Logger Windows 7 release notes

New Release
logging of multiple ports at same time
[ Advanced NMEA Data Logger release history ]

Advanced NMEA Data Logger Windows 7 requirements

one or more RS232 ports or NIC (network interface card)

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