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Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise for Windows 7 - Expertly tracks data inputs. - Windows 7 Download

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise Windows 7

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise 5.0.5 Build 107

"Revolutionize your data logging with Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise, the ultimate solution for Windows 7."

Looking for an efficient and reliable data logging software for your Windows 7 device? Look no further than Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise from AGG Software. With its user-friendly interface, advanced filtering options, and support for multiple serial ports and protocols, this software is perfect for anyone looking to capture and analyze serial data in real-time. Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or a novice user, Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise is the perfect tool for any data logging task. Download it now and start logging your serial data like a pro!

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise 5.0.5 Build 107 full details

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Advanced Serial Data Logger EnterpriseSystem MaintenanceWindows 11, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2008 32/64 bit, Windows 2003, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.6 (26 votes)

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise - Windows 7 Download awards

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise 5.0.5 Build 107 full description

Advanced Serial Data Logger input RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any Windows application. Advanced Serial Data Logger provides real-time data collection from any serial device or instrument. Send and receive RS232 data across a RS232 port or RS485 port with hardware converter.

What problems can be solved with Advanced Serial Data Logger?
Our software captures serial data, custom tailors it to your needs, then extract bits of data from data packets and transfers the data to any Windows or DOS application - either by sending keystrokes to the application's window, by passing the data through DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversations, ODBC, OLE or share data to Internet and other users.

Getting started is easy. Advanced Serial Data Logger is ready!
After installation start Advanced Serial Data Logger from the Start Menu. Choose the communication parameters for your serial device. Then define how you want the serial data to be parsed and translated.


-Receiving binary, text and ASCII data
-Configurable communication parameters (baud rate, data bits and etc)
-Hardware and software data flow control
-RS-485 protocol support
-Spy (sniffer) mode
-Output received data without any changes to file
-Log rotation (depends on date or time, size etc.)
-Log deletion
-Log file access control
-Configurable log file access
-Auto program restart in showed time
-Program message logging
-Simple, menu-driven step by step set-up
-Capability to run multiple instances simultaneously so that multiple ports can be logged
-Save settings to INI-file
-Save settings to Windows registry
-On-line help
-Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista service
-Starts as soon as the operating system starts and doesn't require a user to log in and run it
-Sending requests out the port to control or query your instruments
-Advanced data parsers that allows you to parse, filter and format more complex data from more sophisticated devices
-Data export to any ODBC-compatible database
-DDE or OPC server
-Direct connection (use OLE) to Microsoft Excel and write data directly to rows or columns
-Write parsed data to file of Microsoft Excel, RTF, HTML, CSV , DIFF, SYLK, Plain text, Windows Clipboard, XML, DBF, PDF, Lotus 1-2-3 and Quttro formats
-Expressions plugin allows to use math,string and boolean expression on parsed variables.
-Sort of plugins that can handle internal events of Advanced Serial Data Logger software and put log files to a remote server for example.
-Deadband provides a method to exclude less significant data records from the final data export.
-Aggregator is an additional module that collecting data from several different parsed data records into one common data record.

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise 5.0.5 Build 107 download tags

Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise 5.0.5 Build 107 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
We've fixed a rare memory leak when the program works in the service mode with the attached console.
Fixed the "Parent window not found" error in the configuration window.
[ Advanced Serial Data Logger Enterprise release history ]

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