Advanced Task Scheduler Network for Windows 7 - Effortlessly manage tasks with Advanced Task Scheduler Network. - Windows 7 Download

Advanced Task Scheduler Network
"Revolutionize your task management with Advanced Task Scheduler Network."
Looking for a reliable and comprehensive task scheduler software for your business needs? Look no further than Advanced Task Scheduler Network developed by Southsoftware.com. This powerful tool allows you to schedule tasks and automate your business operations with ease. With features like remote control, event-driven tasks, and customizable email notifications, this software is a must-have for any organization. Say goodbye to manual task management and streamline your workflow with Advanced Task Scheduler Network. Download it today!
Advanced Task Scheduler Network full details

File Size: | 40.02 MB |
License: | Free To Try |
Price: | $159.95 |
Released: | 2024-07-04 |
Downloads: | Total: 389 | This Month: 10 |
Publisher: | Southsoftware.com |
Publisher URL: | http://www.southsoftware.com/ |

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Advanced Task Scheduler Network full description
Advanced Task Scheduler Network is a Client/Server task scheduler, which allows you to create scheduled tasks on the server and manage them from any computer on the net remotely. Client/Server architecture of this software in addition to all the capabilities of the Professional Edition provides IT departments and professionals with an excellent solution for managing scheduled tasks on a variety of network environments. Server can be installed as service on a network server, embedded system, PLC, terminal server, web server and any other remote system that can be connected by TCP/IP protocol. The service is working in the background, enabling all scheduled tasks to run smoothly without taking up any desktop space. This feature means Advanced Task Scheduler can be run even when no user is logged on. Advanced Task Scheduler Network automates a diversity of tasks: launch programs, scripts and batch files, open documents and web pages, display popup messages/reminders, play sounds, send messages, shut down and restart your computer, establish and close dial-up connections, perform FTP and file system operations and much more. Advanced Task Scheduler offers a full set of scheduling tools that allow you to run scheduled tasks automatically, as a one-off, a specified time after system startup, or secondly to yearly. Alternatively, set tasks to run via a hotkey, on computer idle, on network connection being established, on user log-on/off, program start/stop, you can use login-watch, window-watch, process-watch and file-watch features, run-on-holiday function, randomized time and much more. Unlimited number of clients can connect the server at the same time by secure SSL connection so that the data cannot be deciphered by the third party and the data remains confidential. Additionally, Advanced Task Scheduler Network allows you to encrypt your settings and tasks so only authorized clients will be able to connect. Try Advanced Task Scheduler Net for free today.
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Advanced Task Scheduler Network Windows 7 release notes
Major Update
Task scheduler includes the following changes: Columns "User logon sessions", "User account" and "Comment" added in Main window. Task types "FTP file upload", "FTP file download", "FTP file delete", "Copy file", "Move file" and "Delete file" added. Minor improvements and bug fixes.
[ Advanced Task Scheduler Network release history ]
Task scheduler includes the following changes: Columns "User logon sessions", "User account" and "Comment" added in Main window. Task types "FTP file upload", "FTP file download", "FTP file delete", "Copy file", "Move file" and "Delete file" added. Minor improvements and bug fixes.
[ Advanced Task Scheduler Network release history ]
Advanced Task Scheduler Network Windows 7 requirements
A computer running under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11.
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