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AJC Sync Portable for Windows 7 - Efficient file sync software. - Windows 7 Download

AJC Sync Portable Windows 7

AJC Sync Portable 4.13.0

Sync files seamlessly with this portable Windows 7 software.

Introducing AJC Sync Portable, the powerful and portable file synchronization software developed by AJC Software for Windows 7. This software allows you to easily synchronize and backup files between multiple locations, whether it's between a local and remote folder, or across different drives. With its intuitive interface and robust features, AJC Sync Portable ensures your files are up-to-date and safely stored with ease. It's the perfect solution for anyone who needs to manage multiple files on-the-go. Upgrade your file synchronization game with AJC Sync Portable today!

AJC Sync Portable 4.13.0 full details

File Size: 15.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $29.00
Released: 2023-07-27
Downloads: Total: 382 | This Month: 13
Publisher: AJC Software
Publisher URL:

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AJC Sync PortableFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.2 (23 votes)

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AJC Sync Portable 4.13.0 full description

AJC Sync allows you to compare or synchronize large numbers of files and folders between multiple pairs of locations. These locations may be on the same computer, another computer or device over a network, an attached drive or memory stick, FTP server, cloud service etc. AJC Sync is an ideal backup solution for your PC, laptop or server.

Files can be synchronised by transferring in one direction or both directions according to a set of comparison rules. A user friendly sync plan shows you exactly what is going to happen to your files, giving you complete confidence and control. The built in diff can show you exactly what has changed in your files.

The sync process can be run with full visual control, via the command line or on a regular basis via the scheduler. Full logging, reporting and emailing is provided to notify you about what happened. An archiving facility is provided to store multiple versions of files allowing undo to recover from mistakes.

Your synchronize or backup jobs are organised in sync projects. Each project can have one or more pairs of locations to keep in sync. Each location may be on any Windows accessible drive, network, USB stick etc or FTP server. The home tab gives you an overview of these pairs, showing a summary of the sync direction and last backup time.

Different images can be selected to help you visuallise the sync locations. Throughout the application color coding is used so you can tell if files exist only on one side of the sync pair or both.

Starting an interactive sync will then take you to the sync plan tab so you can see what will happen to your files


· Windows explorer style interface.
· Shows two directory structures and overlays them with color coding.
· You can also synchronize via FTP.
· Very easy to use with wizards and hints to help you.
· Review all file transfer or delete actions before they happen.
· Easily schedule your project for automatic synchronization using the full integration with the Windows scheduler.
· Built in archiving system lets you undo if a file is overwritten or deleted by mistake during the synchronization. Multiple versions of files are stored so you can go back to an older version of a file. This is compatible with AJC Active Backup.
· All settings can be saved as a project for later use.
· Recursive comparison of directory trees.
· You can specify what directory patterns to include or exclude from the explorer view.
· You can specify what file patterns to include or exclude from the explorer view.
· Colors show if a directory or file exists on one side or both sides.
· Files can be opened, deleted, renamed, cut, copied, pasted etc.
· Sort files by name, extension, modified date, size etc
· You can compare the file contents using the built in AJC Diff program included free. This can do text and binary file comparison.
· Directory structure and file views can be cached in memory for faster access on slow networks.
· Files and directories can be specifically excluded from the synchronization process.
· File and directory patterns can be excluded from the synchronization process.
· You can synchronize the whole directory structure or just selected directories or files.
· Synchronization can include/exclude sub directories.
· You can synchronize in one direction or both ways at the same time.
· Customizable synchronization logic: newer/older/equal modification date and/or larger/smaller/equal file size. Can choose to transfer files that only exist on both sides.
· When synchronizing in one direction you can delete files in the destination directory that are not in the source. This is useful for creating a directory mirror.
· Can ignore an hour difference in modification stamps to take account of the way different operating systems deal with daylight saving changes.
· Can cope when file date stamps are different by a few seconds due to being rounded differently by different operating systems.

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AJC Sync Portable 4.13.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
FTP uploads may have given a "SETSTAT unsupported" error after they successfully transferred a file. This is now ignored.
The Windows Explorer folder right click menu now has an icon by the AJC Sync option.
Wasabi cloud sync now lets you select all of their regions.
Dropbox was not detecting missing folders correctly. This is now fixed.
On the sync plan you can now select files/folders, right click and choose to move them instead of just copy. This will copy them to the other side and then delete from source.
In the sync pair manual logic you can now choose to move items as above but also have the option to delete empty folders left over afterwards.
[ AJC Sync Portable release history ]

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