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AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin for Windows 7 - Enhance Web Interaction: AllWebMenus Modal Addin! - Windows 7 Download

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin Windows 7

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2

Introducing AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin: Boost your website's allure & interactivity.

Introducing the AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin by Likno Software. Elevate your website's user experience with sleek and interactive modal windows. With smooth jQuery functionality, this software seamlessly integrates into your Windows 7 system. Easily create attention-grabbing pop-ups, lightboxes, and dialog boxes without any coding skills required. Enhance engagement, captivate your audience, and skyrocket conversions with this innovative addition. Discover limitless customization options and responsive designs to suit your creative needs. Unleash the power of web modals today!

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2 full details

File Size: 347 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-01-07
Downloads: Total: 430 | This Month: 4
Publisher: Likno Software
Publisher URL:

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AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows AddinJava & JavaScriptWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.6 (21 votes)

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin - Windows 7 Download awards

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin windows 7 compatible

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2 full description

Introducing the AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin, a game-changer in Windows 7 software! Developed by the esteemed Likno Software, this innovative addin revolutionizes the way you create user-friendly websites. Seamlessly blending functionality and aesthetics, it empowers you to effortlessly incorporate stylish modal windows into your webpages. With its simple yet powerful interface, you can customize every aspect of these windows, including size, content, animations, and more. Whether you want to display important information, promote offers, or capture user attention, this addin has got you covered! Elevate your website's appeal and user engagement with the AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin; it's the perfect solution for Windows 7 enthusiasts.

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2 download tags

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
- Fully customize the appearance of the Navigation Bar of your jQuery Modal Windows: the "First", "Previous", "Play/Pause", "Next", "Last" buttons, the text label, sheet numbers, background, mouse over effects, transitions and more!
- Set the modal window to open automatically when the page loads.
[ AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin release history ]

AllWebMenus Web Modal Windows Addin 1.0.2 Windows 7 requirements

IE6 or above (for the Preview Pane)

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