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Alternate TextBrowser Portable for Windows 7 - "Lightweight & Portable Text Browser" - Windows 7 Download

Alternate TextBrowser Portable Windows 7

Alternate TextBrowser Portable 4.300

Experience a better browsing alternative with Alternate TextBrowser Portable.

"Experience lightning-fast web browsing and text editing with Alternate TextBrowser Portable. Developed by the experts at AlternateTools, this innovative software is perfectly optimized for Windows 7. Whether you're browsing the web, checking emails, or editing text files, Alternate TextBrowser Portable empowers you with lightning-fast performance and unmatched control. With this software, you'll never have to compromise speed or functionality. Download now and see the difference for yourself."

Alternate TextBrowser Portable 4.300 full details

File Size: 2.80 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2025-02-25
Downloads: Total: 34 | This Month: 8
Publisher: AlternateTools
Publisher URL:

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Alternate TextBrowser PortableText / Document EditorsWindows 11, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows Vista

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

Alternate TextBrowser Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

Alternate TextBrowser Portable windows 7 compatible

Alternate TextBrowser Portable 4.300 full description

The portable version of Alternate TextBrowser. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can be copied to a movable device like an USB-stick and used on several computers without leaving data residues like configuration settings or registry-values.

This program makes it easy to browse through text-files and also allows you to edit them (HTML and XML-files, too). A syntax highlighting for several programming languages/file-types is available and may be configured for different file-extensions. The program includes Alternate Memo, Calculator and MathSolver as additional tools. It is freeware and requires the Net-Framework 2.0 or above (which is already included in the operation system since Windows Vista).

The following tools are included - you may also use/launch them separately:
- Alternate Memo (portable)
- Alternate Calculator (portable)
- Alternate MathSolver (portable)

Just copy the content of the ZIP-archive to any drive you want (e.g. an USB-stick) and execute it by using the link or directly start the EXE-file. The language has to be changed once, using menu entry 'Language'.

To remove this program just delete its containing folder including its link. The program may also be run on Linux using the Mono-framework (and Windows Forms).

Alternate TextBrowser Portable 4.300 download tags

Alternate TextBrowser Portable 4.300 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Correction for editor switch.
Tools updated.
[ Alternate TextBrowser Portable release history ]

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