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Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Your Designs with UModel" - Windows 7 Download

Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 Windows 7

Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 2024.2

"Revolutionize Software Development with UModel Enterprise x64"

Welcome to the page for Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 – the must-have software for any developer working with Windows 7. Created by Altova, Inc., this powerful tool allows users to design and visualize complex software systems quickly and easily. The intuitive interface and robust features make it a go-to choice for professionals in a variety of industries. Whether you're creating web applications or working with database structures, Altova UModel is the tool you need to streamline your workflow and improve your results. Download it now and revolutionize the way you work!

Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 2024.2 full details

File Size: 148.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $199.00
Released: 2024-04-23
Downloads: Total: 1210 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Altova, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 2.0 (23 votes)

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Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 2024.2 full description

Altova UModel Enterprise Edition x64 is the starting point for successful software development. Use UModel to create and interpret software and SQL database designs via the power of UML. Design application and database models and generate Java, C#, or Visual Basic .NET code, and SQL scripts. Reverse engineer existing programs and databases into clear, accurate UML diagrams to quickly analyze legacy software.

UModel x64 can automatically generate multiple sequence diagrams for operations in reverse-engineered classes to trace application execution. You can even revise your code or UML models and complete the round trip by automatically updating diagrams or regenerating code.

UModel x64 supports all 14 UML 2.3 diagram types and adds a unique diagram for modeling XML Schemas in UML. UModel Enterprise Edition also supports SysML and business process (BPMN) modeling. UModel supports teams working together on large projects with editable sibling or nested sub-projects, and lets you generate custom project documentation in HTML, Word, and RTF.

UModel Enterprise Edition x64 integrates with Visual Studio 2010, 2008, and 2005 and Eclipse 3.2 and higher, automatically synchronizing UML diagrams as source code is edited in these popular IDEs. UModel also integrates with over a dozen popular source-code control systems. An extensive API and scripting language editor let you automate UModel functionality to create custom menus or plug-ins.

UModel supports the XMI interchange specification, allowing you to open and edit models created in more cumbersome or expensive UML tools. UModel is the cost-effective, user friendly tool that takes the mystery out of UML with context sensitive entry helpers, syntax coloring, cascading styles, customizable design elements, multiple layout views, diagram layers, unlimited undo/redo, and much more. Getting started with UML has never been easier! This software represents the simple, cost-effective way to draw on UML.


· Support for all 14 UML 2.3 diagram types
· Modeling of XML Schema in UML diagrams
· SQL database diagrams
· SysML modeling for embedded systems
· Business process (BPMN) diagrams
· Source code generation in Java, C#, and VB.NET languages
· Reverse engineering of Java, C#, and VB.NET source code and binary files
· Synchronizes model and code through round trip engineering
· Automated creation of multiple sequence diagrams from source code
· Generation of customizable project documentation
· Shared packages as subprojects for teamwork support or reuse
· Diagram layers with selective visibility
· Hyperlinking between diagrams, documents, or Web pages
· Support for XMI 2.1 model interchange
· Integration with version control systems
· Integrated scripting environment with graphical form editor
· Extensive API to allow external manipulation
· Tight integration with Visual Studio and Eclipse

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