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AmoK Exif Sorter for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly organize your photos with AmoK Exif Sorter." - Windows 7 Download

AmoK Exif Sorter Windows 7

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52

Sort image files effortlessly with exceptional AmoK Exif Sorter software.

AmoK Exif Sorter is a must-have for any photographer or hobbyist who takes their photo organization seriously. Developed by AmoK - The Art of Coding, this freeware program allows you to sort your digital images by date, time, and even camera model. With easy-to-understand features and a user-friendly interface, AmoK Exif Sorter has all the necessary tools you need to sort your photos quickly and efficiently. Don't waste any more time sorting your images manually - let AmoK Exif Sorter do the work for you. Download it today!

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52 full details

File Size: 1 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-09-23
Downloads: Total: 964 | This Month: 13
Publisher: AmoK - The Art of Coding
Publisher URL:

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AmoK Exif SorterGallery & Cataloging ToolsWin 3.1x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Wind

User Rating: 3.3 (12 votes)

AmoK Exif Sorter - Windows 7 Download awards

AmoK Exif Sorter windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52 full description

AmoK Exif Sorter is the easy but powerful solution for renaming your photos. All pictures of a digital camera can be renamed by AmoK Exif Sorter based on the pictures' metadata (EXIF and IPTC). Meta data are stored in every picture automatically by the camera. The data include information about the date when the picture was taken (year, month, day, hour, second) but also information about camera model, aperture, exposure, picture's size, and many more. AmoK Exif Sorter cannot only rename pictures. The software can also move or copy them to arbitrary folders. These folders again, can be named according to the exif data. For instance, all pictures taken in February 2007 could be moved to c:fotos2007February and the pictures named according to the template "year-month-day_time_some-text" which would result in a file name such as 2007-02-27_18:34_New_York.jpg. To ease work, AmoK Exif Sorter offers a live preview of the file names, an integrated picture and exif data viewer, drag & drop, thumbnail view, automatic update check, and profiles for different cameras and users. Complete directories including sub directories may be processed or single files. In addition, the exif date may be changed (plus/minus X years/days/hours/...) and also non-exif files such as video files may be renamed according to their file creation date. Beside the exif data the IPTC format is supported.

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52 download tags

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Better support for THM files (JPEG Video Preview), Improved Multi Monitor Support, Formattags %week% and %week_digitized% always in two-digit format
[ AmoK Exif Sorter release history ]

AmoK Exif Sorter 2.52 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium 133, 16 MB RAM, 5 MB HDD

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