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AmoK Playlist Copy for Windows 7 - Effortlessly copy playlists. - Windows 7 Download

AmoK Playlist Copy Windows 7

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01

"Effortlessly transfer your music playlists with AmoK Playlist Copy - a must-have tool for Windows 7 users."

Looking for a quick and easy way to transfer your music playlist from one device to another? Look no further than AmoK Playlist Copy, the innovative software from AmoK - The Art of Coding. With its user-friendly interface and lightning-fast transfer speeds, AmoK Playlist Copy makes it easy to duplicate your playlist on any computer or mobile device. So don't delay - download AmoK Playlist Copy today and stream your favorite tunes wherever you go!

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01 full details

File Size: 709 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-01-03
Downloads: Total: 637 | This Month: 15
Publisher: AmoK - The Art of Coding
Publisher URL:

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AmoK Playlist CopyOtherWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.9 (15 votes)

AmoK Playlist Copy - Windows 7 Download awards

AmoK Playlist Copy windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01 full description

Probably you know the scenario: You have a playlist (Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes or Foobar) with your favourite music but as soon as you want to copy files from the playlist to an MP3-Player, an USB stick or burn them on a CD, you get a problem: The music files are in different folders and it would mean heaps of work to get the MP3s out of every folder separately. Here is where AmoK Playlist Copy helps. AmoK Playlist Copy can read in a playlist and copy all contained files to a folder, MP3-Player, USB-Stick or whatsoever. In the target folder a new playlist is created or alternatively the files are numbered to keep the order of the playlist. And there are many features more: the original folder structure may be flattened, files may be numbered or alphabetically ordered, there is an internal mp3 player and the playlist of a currently running winamp may be imported.

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01 download tags

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Songs are not ordered alphabetically as standard option any more
[ AmoK Playlist Copy release history ]

AmoK Playlist Copy 2.01 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium 133, 16 MB RAM, 5 MB HDD

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