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AMP WinOFF Portable for Windows 7 - "A powerful portable shutdown tool." - Windows 7 Download

AMP WinOFF Portable Windows 7

AMP WinOFF Portable 5.0.1

"AMP WinOFF Portable: Efficient PC shutdown with flexible scheduling."

AMP WinOFF Portable is a powerful yet user-friendly software tool for Windows 7 that lets you schedule system shutdowns, hibernation, and restarts with ease. Developed by AMPSoft, this lightweight program offers customizable settings for various types of shutdown operations. Available in a portable form, AMP WinOFF can be easily carried on a USB stick, so you can take it with you wherever you go. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive functionality, AMP WinOFF Portable is an indispensable tool for optimizing your Windows 7 system performance. Download it now and experience the difference!

AMP WinOFF Portable 5.0.1 full details

File Size: 819 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-10-18
Downloads: Total: 1177 | This Month: 7
Publisher: AMPSoft
Publisher URL:

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AMP WinOFF PortableLaunchers & Task ManagersWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (24 votes)

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AMP WinOFF Portable 5.0.1 full description

AMP WinOFF is an utility designed to schedule the shut down of Windows computers, with several shut down modes and fully configurable. A various number of settings are available.


· Shut down the computer at certain hour (e.g. at 12:00).
· Shut down the computer in several minutes (e.g. in 15 minutes).
· Shut down the computer when the CPU becomes idle.
· Several types of shut down (shut down, restart, log off, power off, suspend, hibernate and lock computer).
· Option for hang up the modem instead of doing a shut down.
· Option for set a password to protect the access to the configuration.
· Complete command line support for batch process.
· Option for capture the desktop and/or execute a program before the shut down.
· Option for run the program when starting Windows session, for daily programmed shut down.
· Immediate shut down and computer lock from the traybar icon menu.
· Option for show an alert window, which allow the cancellation of the shut down.
· Dual English/Spanish version.

AMP WinOFF Portable 5.0.1 download tags

AMP WinOFF Portable 5.0.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· Fixed: The list of network adapters in Windows Vista/7 included also disabled adapters.
· Fixed: The program failed sometimes to detect the list of network adapters, especially in Vista/7.
· Fixed: In certain situations the program failed to save the settings for all users in Vista/7.
· Fixed: When using the same settings for all users in Vista/7 the program displayed an User Account Control confirmation before activating the shut down planning, even if the settings wasn't changed.
· Fixed: The program didn't saved the shut down time AM/PM value properly.
[ AMP WinOFF Portable release history ]

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