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Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) full changelog

Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) full changelog

Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) 0.3.1 released Oct 26, 2012 (New Release)
* Regression from 0.2.5: crash when creating a new project with quot;Sort by Exif datequot; turned on;
* Empty gallery when the source images are not larger than the output images (sometimes, depends on character case);
* Holding the Shift key while browsing through the gallery using the mouse scroll will display only the non-excluded images (i.e., what would end up in the resulting gallery);
* Stability improvements in gallery generation code, and project file saving code;
* With auto-save on, creating a new project sometimes resulted in an unexpected overwrite of the old project file with the data of the new project, wiping out the contents of the old project file; fixed.
Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) 0.3.0 released May 16, 2012 (New Release)
* Unicode support. AGG now fully supports gallery titles, file names, comments, title pictures and anything in any language you wish;
* Localization support. AGG's interface can now be translated in your native language (see the list of available translations). Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to contribute a translation!
* Batch transfer Exif tool (suggested by Stefano Maraspin);
* Auto-save option (auto-saves your current project every 2 minutes).
* Gamma-aware resizing. You can select this option in order to have absolutely precise resizing, performed in linear RGB, instead of the gamma-compressed sRGB (the differences are outlined in this article).

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