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AOMEI Backupper Server Edition full changelog

AOMEI Backupper Server Edition full changelog

AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.1.0 released Nov 27, 2014 (Major Update)
1. System migration. 2. Restore system to a smaller partition. 3. History for backup path & task name.
4. Explore backup images on the NAS/network. 5. Fixed issue: case-sensitive password of command line backup. 6. Fixed bug: display wrong version number after upgrade. 7. Improved registration.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.2 released Dec 25, 2014 (Major Update)
Added PXE boot tool: start up multiple client machines within LAN through the network booting by using AOMEI Windows PE and Linux micro-system or your own personalized bootable image file on a master machine for system maintenance.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.1.0 released Nov 27, 2014 (Major Update)
1. System migration. 2. Restore system to a smaller partition. 3. History for backup path & task name.
4. Explore backup images on the NAS/network. 5. Fixed issue: case-sensitive password of command line backup. 6. Fixed bug: display wrong version number after upgrade. 7. Improved registration.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.0 released Apr 9, 2014 (Major Update)
1. Files and Folders Backup & Restore. 2. Backup Disk Space Management. 3. Command Line Backup. 4. Merge Multiple Incremental Backups 5. Align Partition during the Restoring or Cloning Operation. 6. Windows PE Bootable Media Supports EFI/UEFI Boot. 7. Fully Support Windows 8.1 and Some Bug Fixes.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.1.0 released Nov 27, 2014 (Major Update)
1. System migration. 2. Restore system to a smaller partition. 3. History for backup path & task name.
4. Explore backup images on the NAS/network. 5. Fixed issue: case-sensitive password of command line backup. 6. Fixed bug: display wrong version number after upgrade. 7. Improved registration.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.0 released Apr 9, 2014 (Major Update)
1. Files and Folders Backup & Restore. 2. Backup Disk Space Management. 3. Command Line Backup. 4. Merge Multiple Incremental Backups 5. Align Partition during the Restoring or Cloning Operation. 6. Windows PE Bootable Media Supports EFI/UEFI Boot. 7. Fully Support Windows 8.1 and Some Bug Fixes.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.0.1 released Jun 19, 2014 (Major Update)
1. Email notifications.
2. View backup logs.
3. Back up or restore files from a network to another.
4. Edit task name and change the saved directory of backup images.
5. Export/Import all backup tasks in an XML file.
6. NAS and network backup bugs fixed.
7. GPT/UEFI system backup enhancement.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.0 released Apr 9, 2014 (Major Update)
1. Files and Folders Backup & Restore. 2. Backup Disk Space Management. 3. Command Line Backup. 4. Merge Multiple Incremental Backups 5. Align Partition during the Restoring or Cloning Operation. 6. Windows PE Bootable Media Supports EFI/UEFI Boot. 7. Fully Support Windows 8.1 and Some Bug Fixes.
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 2.0 released Oct 22, 2006 (Alpha)
AOMEI Backupper Server Edition 3.10 released Jul 12, 2006 (New Release)
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