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Arixcel Explorer for Windows 7 - "A powerful Excel add-on. Optimize your workflow!" - Windows 7 Download

Arixcel Explorer Windows 7

Arixcel Explorer 3.0 B6019

Explore Excel like never before with powerful Arixcel Explorer.

Discover a smarter way to work with Arixcel Explorer from Arixcel Ltd. This advanced software offers a comprehensive solution for organizing and analyzing data in Microsoft Excel. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Arixcel Explorer helps streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and boost productivity. From data cleansing and transformations to pivot tables and data visualization, this software can handle even the most complex tasks. Whether you're a seasoned Excel pro or just getting started, Arixcel Explorer is a must-have tool for anyone looking to simplify their work and achieve better results. Try it out today!

Arixcel Explorer 3.0 B6019 full details

File Size: 635 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-06-27
Downloads: Total: 692 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Arixcel Ltd
Publisher URL:

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Arixcel ExplorerOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (22 votes)

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Arixcel Explorer 3.0 B6019 full description

Arixcel Explorer is a small, handy utility designed to make it easy to follow formula in a spreadsheet. For a selected cell, it shows the internal structure of its formula and allows you to navigate quickly to its precedent cells and back, even if they are located on different worksheets. This greately improves the efficiency of work with Excel. It is a must-have tool for any serious spreadsheet user.

It shows the building blocks of any cell formula and allows to navigate easily to its precendent cells and back. It often provides a more convenient way of reviewing formulae links in Excel than the built-in Trace Precedents and Evaluate Formula tools.

Arixcel Explorer 3.0 B6019 download tags

Arixcel Explorer 3.0 B6019 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Tracing dependents.
Tracing precedents of multiple cells.
Ability to select multiple items in the Arixcel Explorer window and see them highlighted on the sheet.
The cell being "explored", its precedent and dependent cells are now highlighted with different colours.
Various bug fixes and minor improvements.
Subscription based licensing.
[ Arixcel Explorer release history ]

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