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ASPRunner Professional for Windows 7 - ASPRunner Pro: Streamline Web App Development. - Windows 7 Download

ASPRunner Professional Windows 7

ASPRunner Professional 10.91 Build 41974

ASPRunner Pro: Powerful tool for creating ASP.NET web apps with ease.

ASPRunner Professional from XLineSoft is a powerful tool for creating dynamic websites with ease. With its intuitive interface, users can generate feature-rich ASP.NET applications that integrate seamlessly with their databases and web servers. From dynamic tables to multi-level navigation menus, this software streamlines web development and empowers users to create dynamic, professional-grade websites with ease. If you want to take your web development game to the next level, ASPRunner Professional is a must-have tool.

ASPRunner Professional 10.91 Build 41974 full details

File Size: 106.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-09-10
Downloads: Total: 2581 | This Month: 17
Publisher: XLineSoft
Publisher URL:

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ASPRunner ProfessionalDatabases & ToolsWindows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows Server 2012, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2008 32/64 bit, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.2 (39 votes)

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ASPRunner Professional 10.91 Build 41974 full description

ASPRunnerPro creates set of ASP pages to access and modify Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access , DB2, MySQL database or any other ODBC datasource. Using generated ASP pages users can search, edit, delete and add data into database. ASPRunnerPro is easy to learn, you can get started in just 15 minutes! With ASPRunnerPro you can improve functionality of your web site by creating robust, easy to modify ASP code.

ASPrunnerPro is a database management tool that provides easy access and manipulation possibilities for any database on the Web. Designed to suit all users from beginners to experienced developers, ASPRunnerPro creates Active Server Pages (ASP) enabling users to search, edit, delete and add data to the Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, DB2, or MySQL databases.


· Easy to use wizard-like interface.
· Generates 100% pure ASP code.
· Numerous search modes.
· Add, view, edit, copy and delete pages.
· Built-in FTP Client to upload ASP pages to the Web server.
· User self-register page, password reminder, change password pages.
· Multilingual templates. Ability to choose language while logging in.
· Creates password protected ASP pages.

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ASPRunner Professional 10.91 Build 41974 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
.NET only. Fixed 'Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements' error message appearing in some MySQL configurations;
.NET only. Fixed runner_mail function using wrong HTML message body encoding;
.NET only. Fixed Oracle TIMESTAMP type support;
added Image Resize option when uploading images to cloud;
fixed Master data preview conflicting with 'Reorder columns' feature;
.NET only. Fixed runner_mail function not renaming attachments;
fixed multilanguage support in Edit as Date - datepicker control;
fixed number of uploaded files not resetting when Reset button on Add page is clicked;
fixed Change password page not working when called from Users - View page;
fixed HTML code not escaping in the User full name field;
PHP on Linux only. Fixed support for PDO driver for MSSQL Server.
[ ASPRunner Professional release history ]

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