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Auto Mail Sender for Windows 7 - "Streamline Email Tasks with Auto Mail Sender" - Windows 7 Download

Auto Mail Sender Windows 7

Auto Mail Sender 18.4

"Effortlessly send emails with Auto Mail Sender - Windows 7's ultimate email solution."

Introducing Auto Mail Sender - the fantastic email sending software that makes your life a breeze! With its simple and user-friendly interface, this gem from TriSun Software Inc. allows you to send personalized emails to a range of contacts with just a few clicks of a button. But that's not all - the auto scheduling feature allows you to plan out your emails in advance and have them sent automatically, giving you more time to focus on your work. Trust us, you won't find a better program for your email needs!

Auto Mail Sender 18.4 full details

File Size: 1.26 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2022-05-01
Downloads: Total: 2370 | This Month: 13
Publisher: TriSun Software Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Auto Mail SenderE-Mail ClientsWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.8 (48 votes)

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Auto Mail Sender 18.4 full description

Auto Mail Senderâ„¢ Standard Edition (AMSSE) is a powerful and easy-to-use eMail sender & scheduler, you can use it to send eMails automatically at anytime and any frequency as you expect.

You can set various sending schedules, such as yearly, monthly (by day number, day name or last day), weekly, daily and any other schedules you can think of.

AMSSE provides all the traditional eMail elements/functions and some distinctive elements/functions such as sending schedule, sending one-by-one, repeat sending, resending if failed, macro supportable and has some built-in macros, folder attachment supportable, SMTP accounts list and automatic selecting the available one, custom sender/read receipt receiver/reply receiver/sending time, using recipients files to send eMail directly, selecting/saving receivers from/to txt/csv/xls(x) files, creating the popular SMTP accounts directly, auto-complete SMTP account settings, and so on.

You can inform yourself or others, submit work logs or documents, and send the routine business eMails, surely, make ads and greet your family members or friends at their important day (for instance: birthday) through use of AMSSE.

Key Features

# Proxy server & relative authentication supportable.
# HTML email supportable.
# Multiple recipients & attachments.
# Host name/IP address/IPv6 supportable.
# Attachment from local/remote host.
# Alternative text.
# Embedded resources.
# ESMTP authentication.
# Secure password authentication.
# Email address verification & relative tool.
# SSL/TLS supportable.
# Email encryption.
# BCC/character set/sending time/priority/read receipt.
# Designating read receipt receiver.
# Error code & description.
# Sending progress supportable.

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