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AutoCAD 2018 full changelog

AutoCAD 2018 full changelog

AutoCAD 2018 2018 released Mar 29, 2017 (New Release)
AutoCAD® 2018 software includes enhancements and new features such as external reference path repair and recognition of SHX font files.
PDF import:
Import geometry, including SHX font files, fills, raster images, and TrueType text into a drawing from a PDF
External file references:
Save time and minimize frustration with tools to fix broken paths for externally referenced files.
Object selection:
Selected objects stay in the selection set, even if you pan or zoom off screen.
Text to Mtext:
Convert combinations of text and Mtext objects to a single Mtext object.
User interface:
Work intuitively with common dialog boxes and toolbars.
Share design views:
Publishes design views of your drawing to a secure location for viewing and sharing in a web browser.
High-resolution monitor support:
Enjoy the best possible viewing experience ever, even on 4K and higher resolution displays.

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