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Automatic Drawing Generation full changelog

Automatic Drawing Generation full changelog

Automatic Drawing Generation 0.9.1 released May 5, 2017 (New Release)
Entities can now be "floating". When an entity is floating (the
default is not), its extents does not concur on increasing the
extents of its own container.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.9.0 released May 2, 2017 (New Release)
Three new dresses have been added to address different quote
types: ADG_DRESS_DIMENSION_ANGULAR (that formats numbers in
sexagesimal units, bound by default to AdgADim instances),
ADG_DRESS_DIMENSION_RADIUS (that prefixes values with R, bound
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.6 released Feb 25, 2015 (New Release)
Improved documentation: the API reference manual is now kept in sync with the online documentation by using a dedicated SilverStripe module. This really simplifies the maintenance burden of the doc.
A bug that was preventing the correct finalization of the returned
cairo path from GObject introspection bindings has been corrected.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.5-1 Test released Apr 3, 2014 (New Release)
Improved documentation: the API reference manual is now kept in sync with the online documentation by using a dedicated SilverStripe module. This really simplifies the maintenance burden of the doc.
A bug that was preventing the correct finalization of the returned
cairo path from GObject introspection bindings has been corrected.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.4-3 Test released Oct 15, 2013 (New Release)
Improved documentation: the API reference manual is now kept in sync with the online documentation by using a dedicated SilverStripe module. This really simplifies the maintenance burden of the doc.
A bug that was preventing the correct finalization of the returned
cairo path from GObject introspection bindings has been corrected.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.4-2 Test released Sep 9, 2013 (New Release)
· Improved documentation: the API reference manual is now kept in sync with the online documentation by using a dedicated SilverStripe module. This really simplifies the maintenance burden of the doc.

· A bug that was preventing the correct finalization of the returned
· cairo path from GObject introspection bindings has been corrected.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.3 released Apr 8, 2013 (New Release)
· The compatibility of the project with outdated system has been improved in order to be able to install it on old web servers.
· Compilation without GTK+ support has been tested: the canvas is now properly working on a system without X server installed.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.2 released Mar 27, 2013 (New Release)
· AdgDress is inherited from GEnum instead of being a handcrafted solution. A lot of specialized code have been removed, so the mapping between numbers and names in bindings is automatic.
· Consistency in widget names has been improved, allowing to simplify signal connections on the Lua side.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.1 released Mar 17, 2013 (New Release)
· Out of the box support for LGI (dynamic Lua bindings based on GObject introspection) is now provided upstream and effectively used for testing APIs. The introspection support has been improved, some APIs (AdgPoint related methods above all) have been protected against NULL and some bugs raised by the bindings work have been corrected.
· The GBoxed wrappers for cairo structs such as cairo_matrix_t have been dropped in favor of the native support provided by the cairo-gobject library.
· GObject wrappers for CPML structs such as pairs, primitives and segments has been moved to CPML itself. This makes redundant the presence of wrappers on the ADG side, simplyfing the work for the language bindings.
Automatic Drawing Generation 0.7.0 released Feb 17, 2013 (New Release)
· The autoscaling feature is now available: a series of predefined scale factors are applied until the proper one is found. The demo program autoscales the drawing on a canvas right click.
· The introspection support has been improved, making now possible to have LGI (Lua) bindings working out of the box. The typedef hack has been dropped in favour of a private forwarder header.
· The dash pattern of AdgLineStyle can now be customized by binding to it an AdgDash instance.

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