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AV Voice Changer Software Diamond for Windows 7 - "Revamp Your Voice: AV Voice Changer Software Diamond" - Windows 7 Download

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Windows 7

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.33

"Transform your voice with AV Voice Changer Software Diamond - the ultimate tool for fun and creativity."

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond is the ultimate tool for changing your voice in real-time. Developed by AVSoft Corp., it boasts an intuitive interface and a wide range of effects to choose from. Whether you want to sound like a celebrity or a cartoon character, this software gives you unlimited possibilities. You can also use it for voice-over recordings or to add voice effects to your videos. With AV Voice Changer Software Diamond, you can transform your voice and take your creativity to the next level.

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.33 full details

File Size: 54.94 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $99.95
Released: 2020-03-20
Downloads: Total: 9664 | This Month: 12
Publisher: AVSoft Corp.
Publisher URL: http:////

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AV Voice Changer Software DiamondChat & Instant MessagingWindows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

User Rating: 3.8 (77 votes)

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AV Voice Changer Software Diamond windows 7 compatible

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.33 full description

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond is the premium edition of the Voice Changer Software series, and is dedicated to voice changing and voice manipulation. This program has been developed to produce professional results in an elegant, easy-to-use interface. You can make any voice sound more feminine, masculine, childish, younger or older, or even sound like a famous celebrity’s voice. This is an all-in-one program for all voice changing purposes, such as voice-over and voice dubbing for audio/video clips, narrations, presentations; change/mix/remove a voice in a song, in E-greeting cards, voice mails, etc; imitate the voice of any person, create non-human sounds, etc. Outstanding features: Alter/modify a voice in real-time with the cutting-edge voice changing algorithms: Virtual Audio Driver. Control timbre and pitch levels, as well as adjust other important qualities of the human voice, such as threshold, base pitch, formant, etc. Ready-to-use "nickvoices" for user to mix and match. Create and mix parody voices for voice-over, voice dubbing. Advanced, specialized, voice morphing settings to produce the most natural output. A huge library of vivid sound and background effects available for creating unique audio results. Optional microphone inputs to record your original voice, as well as well-processed morphing result. Reduce, add echo or apply robotic effects, in real-time, to make your output voice sound completely different, instantly, even while chatting. Includes a vocal comparator. Compatible with most popular VoIP programs, instant messengers, or game platforms such as Skype, Facebook, Slack, Fortnite, Steam, etc. New features: Newly designed Voice Morpher graph. Superb voice changing algorithm. Tempo Morpher and Volume Booster added to File Morpher. 50 specialized "nickvoices" ready-to-use, including "nickvoices" for movie maker. Powerful settings can be combined to produce a more natural voice output. Ultra-quiet background cancellation.

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.33 download tags

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.5.33 Windows 7 requirements

1GHz Processor, 2GB RAM, 500MB of free Hard Disk space, Full Duplex Sound Card, Microphone and speakers (or Headset)

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