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Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager for Windows 7 - Optimize Bar Cuts with Ease - Windows 7 Download

Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager Windows 7

Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager 124

"Optimize bar cuts with ease – boost productivity today!"

Introducing the Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager, the ultimate solution for businesses in need of efficient production management. Developed by Binrace Ltd., this Windows 7 software enables users to easily manage their stock and track production schedules, ultimately increasing productivity and minimizing waste. With its intuitive user interface and powerful optimization algorithm, Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager is an essential tool for any business looking to streamline their manufacturing process. Try it out today and see the results for yourself!

Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager 124 full details

File Size: 502 kB
License: Demo
Price: $170.00
Released: 2011-02-01
Downloads: Total: 680 | This Month: 38
Publisher: Binrace Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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Bar Cut Optimizer and ManagerOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.6 (24 votes)

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Bar Cut Optimizer and Manager 124 full description

Bar Cut Optimizer & Manager is a length nesting optimizer and stock manager software. It minimizes the waste in the cutting process of any linear material like pipes, bars, tubes, profiles, paper rolls, extrusions, beams, cables, etc. The program implements two types of optimizations: by using the current stock in an efficient way and by reusing all stubs (no waste).


· minimizes waste
· offers the possibility to reuse all resulted stubs
· adds to the inventory the stubs that can be reused
· detailed html output reports for cutting (cutting layouts, costs, bars that have to be bought, statistics)
· detailed output reports of current stocks
· unlimited different parts to cut
· unlimited different cut from lengths
· optional identification of items (every ordered item can be labeled by a tag)
· support for cut thickness (item to item gap)
· support for millimeters, centimeters, meters, inches, and feet (decimal and fractional forms)
· custom currency (used to set the prices of bars)
· custom precision (used to display lengths values)
· save/open jobs
· defines three characteristics for a type of bar: profile code, material and color
· jobs can contain different types of bars
· add, remove, update a type of bar
· for every type of bar you can manage its stock (add and remove lengths and their associated quantities)
· backs up inventory

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