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Batch Word Shrink Compactor for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly shrink Word files" - Windows 7 Download

Batch Word Shrink Compactor Windows 7

Batch Word Shrink Compactor 2024.16.1002

"Effortlessly compress and organize your Word documents with Batch Word Shrink Compactor."

Introducing Batch Word Shrink Compactor, the ultimate solution to conquer your document management challenges! Developed by Batchwork Software, this software is designed to compress, shrink, and compact Word documents into smaller, more manageable sizes effortlessly. Perfect for those who frequently handle large Word files, Batch Word Shrink Compactor delivers exceptional results and excellent performance every time. Streamline your document workflow and free up valuable file space with Batch Word Shrink Compactor. Get your hands on this powerful software today!

Batch Word Shrink Compactor 2024.16.1002 full details

File Size: 704 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $99.00
Released: 2024-10-02
Downloads: Total: 604 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Batchwork Software
Publisher URL:

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Batch Word Shrink CompactorFile CompressionWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.9 (14 votes)

Batch Word Shrink Compactor - Windows 7 Download awards

Batch Word Shrink Compactor windows 7 compatible

Batch Word Shrink Compactor 2024.16.1002 full description

Batch Word Shrink Compactor is a Word Doc Compact, Word Doc Compress Shrinker that can shrink/reduce Word document size easily. Batch Word Shrink Compactor supports powerful search for a lot of files. It's a user friendly Word Packer and Shrinker. Batch Word Shrink Compactor supports project and command line. Batch Word Shrink Compactor has a friendly GUI so it is used very easily. Batch Word Shrink Compactor Drag and Explorer Context supported. Batch Word Shrink Compactor supports an efficient Multi-Thread compress engine. So you could control the compress action very easily. You can stop or pause and continue it in any time. You can save your compack and shrink work in a project file (.batch-wordzip) for re-use. You can run the batch-wordzip project in Microsoft Windows Explorer or command line directly. The main features of Batch Word Shrink Compactor: Compact and shrink Word Doc easily. Batch compress Word Doc with GUI that supports powerful search function. Supports compact and shrink a doc/docx file. Supports compress doc/docx files in a folder. Drag and context menu with Microsoft Explorer supported. Supports batch project and command line. An efficient high-speed Multi-Thread compress engine. System Requirements: Intel x86/x64, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinServer 2000-2012, Microsoft Word 2000-2013 The KEYWORDS of Batch Word Shrink Compactor: word shrink,word shrinker,word compact,word compress,word doc shrink,word doc shrinker,word doc compact,word doc compress,word zip

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Batch Word Shrink Compactor 2024.16.1002 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Bug fixes and maintenances
[ Batch Word Shrink Compactor release history ]

Batch Word Shrink Compactor 2024.16.1002 Windows 7 requirements

Intel x86/x64, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinServer 2000-2012, Microsoft Word 2000-2013

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