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BatchTouch for Windows 7 - "Boost Efficiency with BatchTouch: Windows 7 Software" - Windows 7 Download

BatchTouch Windows 7

BatchTouch 1.3.1

"Revamp Your File Management with BatchTouch"

Introducing BatchTouch, the versatile file processing software developed by renowned tech guru Roger Meier. This powerful application streamlines the way you manipulate multiple files simultaneously, with a simple, user-friendly interface. Whether you're resizing photos, converting formats or simply organizing your documents, BatchTouch optimizes your workflow effortlessly. Discover its efficiency today and take file management to the next level!

BatchTouch 1.3.1 full details

File Size: 15.70 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2019-10-06
Downloads: Total: 23 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Roger Meier
Publisher URL:

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BatchTouchFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.3 (3 votes)

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BatchTouch 1.3.1 full description

BatchTouch is a utility to batch-change the creation and/or modification date of files and folders.

BatchTouch provides an easy-to-use way to change the creation and/or modification date of multiple files and folders all at once. It offers enough flexibility to the user to choose which type of items to change, whether or not to process the contents of folders, and whether to change the creation date, the modification date, or both. Furthermore, it is possible to change just the time, just the date, or both. It is possible to apply both absolute values as well as offsets to both date and time. I.e. it is possible to add/subtract a specified number of days, hours, minutes or seconds to/from the creation and modification date of any item.

BatchTouch comes without an installer and can be placed anywhere on the harddrive as long as the correct folder structure is maintained. I.e. for the Windows version the "BatchTouch Libs" folder must reside in the same location as the "BatchTouch.exe" executable.

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BatchTouch 1.3.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
- Added option to clear the file list after applying date changes.
- Absolute date and time values will no longer be included in settings saved as default.
- Fixed bug that would result in erroneous entries in the error log.
- Clicking on textfields should now automatically select their content again.
[ BatchTouch release history ]

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