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BCGSuite for MFC for Windows 7 - "Explore BCGSuite for MFC - Your Windows 7 Solution!" - Windows 7 Download

BCGSuite for MFC Windows 7

BCGSuite for MFC 33.0

"Explore BCGSuite for MFC: A robust Windows 7 software for seamless UI development!"

Explore the world of MFC applications with BCGSuite for MFC, a product of BCGSoft Co Ltd. This software is a treasure trove for developers, offering an extensive set of GUI controls that can enhance the look, feel, and functionality of your Windows 7 applications. The software is designed to integrate seamlessly with Visual Studio, making it a breeze to use. With BCGSuite for MFC, you can transform your applications into modern, sophisticated interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. This software is a must-have tool for any developer looking to create professional-grade MFC applications.

BCGSuite for MFC 33.0 full details

File Size: 30.67 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $599.00
Released: 2022-05-31
Downloads: Total: 507 | This Month: 12
Publisher: BCGSoft Co Ltd
Publisher URL:

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BCGSuite for MFCComponents & LibrariesWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.8 (14 votes)

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BCGSuite for MFC 33.0 full description

Welcome to our Windows 7 software download platform, where we present to you the innovative "BCGSuite for MFC" developed by the renowned BCGSoft Co Ltd. This software is a powerful toolset that extends Visual Studio's MFC functionality, enabling developers to create applications with the modern, intuitive user interface of Microsoft Office or Visual Studio.

BCGSuite for MFC is a treasure trove of GUI controls including ribbons, toolbars, menus, docking panes and much more. It is designed to expedite the development process, providing a robust framework that allows developers to focus on the core functionality of their software.

The software is highly customizable, offering a variety of themes and skins to match your application's aesthetic. It also supports a wide range of image formats, ensuring seamless integration with your existing assets.

BCGSuite for MFC is a testament to BCGSoft Co Ltd's commitment to providing high-quality, user-friendly solutions for developers. It is a must-have tool for any developer looking to create professional, modern applications on the Windows 7 platform. Discover the power of BCGSuite for MFC today!

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BCGSuite for MFC 33.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Ribbon Bar:
CBCGPRibbonCustomizationOptions: A new member m_bAddSubItemsToTreePanel specifies whether Ribbon control sub-items should be added to the panel node of the customization tree (TRUE by default).
CBCGPRibbonBar::ShowBackstageView has a new, optional parameter, nSubPage. This parameter specifies a subpage to activate (CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemPropertySheet only).
CBCGPRibbonColorButton: Improved behavior of the selected color; when SetSelectedColor was called with parameter CLR_NONE, no color is selected now on the dropped-down color palette.
CBCGPRibbonBar: A new virtual method GetExportedFileDefaultName allows you to specify the customization data file default name. By default, this name is the same as the application name.
Toolbars and Menus:
Improved toolbar editing: now, you can specify the common attributes, such as image lists or toolbar names, in the Toolbar Editor, and these attributes will be automatically loaded by the framework (see screenshot).
Added support for the menu item data in the menu bar import and export methods (CBCGPToolbarMenuButton::CreateFromMenu and CBCGPToolbarMenuButton::CreateMenu).
Dialogs and Forms:
CBCGPMessageBox: A new static member m_nTextCalculationStep specifies the text layout calculation tolerance (in pixels, 10 by default). Specify a larger value if you have message boxes with long texts to optimize the dialog initialization time.
Improved appearance of dialog controls when the user specified the custom Windows text size. All controls have the same font size as the parent dialog font.
MDI Windows and Tabs:
CBCGPMDITabParams: A new member m_bBalancedGroupLayout specifies whether the MDI tabbed groups have the same size after creating a new tabbed group. Please take a look at the MDITabsDemo sample to see this new feature in action.
CBCGPAppOptions: A new member m_bAutoChangeMDITabsStyle specifies whether MDI tabs style should be changed upon the visual theme changing (e.g., in Office 2007-2010 themes, MDI tabs ar
[ BCGSuite for MFC release history ]

BCGSuite for MFC 33.0 Windows 7 requirements

Dev.environment:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 or 2010 and later

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BCGSuite is a product that extends Visual Studio 2008/2010 MFC functionality. The new MFC version included in Visual ...
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