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BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std for Windows 7 - "Revamp Your Displays with BeauGauge ActiveX Control" - Windows 7 Download

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std Windows 7

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std 2.31

"Enhance your GUI with precision controls." Upgrade your software with BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std.

Introducing the BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std, the ultimate software solution for creating realistic gauges and instrumentation displays for Windows 7. Developed by the trusted name in software, BeauGauge Software, this versatile tool is packed with features to help you design stunning interfaces with ease. Whether you're working on a personal project or corporate application, the BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std has everything you need to create dynamic, eye-catching displays. Get your copy today and see the difference for yourself!

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std 2.31 full details

File Size: 6.78 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-01-25
Downloads: Total: 1234 | This Month: 15
Publisher: BeauGauge Software
Publisher URL:

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BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control StdComponents & LibrariesWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.9 (19 votes)

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std - Windows 7 Download awards

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std windows 7 compatible

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std 2.31 full description

Looking for a feature-rich and customizable gauge control software? BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std by BeauGauge Software is here to cater to all your needs! Its intuitive and user-friendly interface enables users to easily design and tailor their gauges according to their needs. From analog and digital gauges to sliders, dials, and indicators – BeauGauge has it all. The package doesn't only offer a range of pre-built controls but also allows you to build your own, all with the utmost ease. Retina-ready, high-resolution graphics make the gauges stand out, while standard and custom colours enable users to create unique and dynamic displays. With its comprehensive documentation and support, BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std is an all-in-one solution to create professional, informative, and engaging gauges without writing code!

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BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std users' reviews

BeauGauge Gauge ActiveX Control Std 2.31 review by Gerhard (Nov 14, 2012)
This is listed as freeware. It is not even shareware. It is not a usable demo either. You have to purchase the controls to be able to use anything. Beware.

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