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bird Calendar Windows Theme for Windows 7 - "Bird Calendar Windows Theme: A captivating avian experience." - Windows 7 Download

bird Calendar Windows Theme Windows 7

bird Calendar Windows Theme 5.0

"Bird Calendar Windows Theme: Discover the beauty of nature on your desktop!"

Introducing the captivating "bird Calendar Windows Theme" by! Enhance your desktop with stunning avian visuals that showcase nature's timeless beauty. Immerse yourself in the world of birds with high-quality images capturing their elegance and grace. This software offers seamless integration with Windows 7, allowing you to effortlessly personalize your desktop experience. Download now and transform your screen into a vibrant tableau of feathered wonders!

bird Calendar Windows Theme 5.0 full details

File Size: 29.24 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-10-31
Downloads: Total: 524 | This Month: 10
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bird Calendar Windows ThemeThemes & WallpaperWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8

User Rating: 2.9 (15 votes)

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bird Calendar Windows Theme windows 7 compatible

bird Calendar Windows Theme 5.0 full description

Welcome to the world of birds with the breathtaking "Bird Calendar Windows Theme" software! Developed by, this mesmerizing Windows 7 theme captures the essence of these graceful creatures, infusing your desktop with their vibrant colors and enchanting melodies. Immerse yourself in nature's harmonious symphony as you navigate through twelve stunning bird-themed wallpapers, each corresponding to a month of the year. With a seamless installation process and easy customization options, transforming your desktop into a captivating aviary has never been easier. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply seeking a touch of serenity, this Windows 7 software is a must-have. Download it now and embark on a virtual birdwatching voyage from the comfort of your own desktop.

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bird Calendar Windows Theme 5.0 Windows 7 release notes

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bird Calendar Windows Theme 5.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows 7/8 Operating System

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