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Blue Cat's Chorus for Windows 7 - Transform Your Sound with Chorus! - Windows 7 Download

Blue Cat's Chorus Windows 7

Blue Cat's Chorus 4.43

Enhance your audio with versatile chorus effects.

Looking for a top-notch chorus plugin? Look no further than Blue Cat's Chorus from Blue Cat Audio. With its rich and warm sound, versatile modulation options, and highly customizable settings, this software is perfect for adding depth and dimension to your audio creations. Whether you're producing music, creating sound effects, or working on a podcast, Blue Cat's Chorus gives you the power to make your projects stand out from the crowd. So why wait? Download Blue Cat's Chorus today and start exploring its incredible sonic possibilities!

Blue Cat's Chorus 4.43 full details

File Size: 20.60 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-02-15
Downloads: Total: 153 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Blue Cat Audio
Publisher URL:

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Blue Cat's ChorusOtherWindows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 1.0 (2 votes)

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Blue Cat's Chorus 4.43 full description

The Chorus effect was originally designed to simulate several voices: just as if several persons were playing together the same notes but with a variable delay between them. This is the effect you get with Blue Cat's Chorus when setting the rate parameter to a small value. But this plug-in also enables you to drastically change your sound and produce strange pitch modulation or crazy 'bubbles' effects. Just check the factory presets to get convinced by the quality and versatility of Blue Cat's Chorus.

From a light ensemble effect to a deep destructive modulation effect, Blue Cat's Chorus just can do anything... For free!

The built-in Blue Cat's skinning engine enables you to skin this plug-in: adapt the user interface to your needs and customize the look of your Blue Cat's plugin! 3 skins are included in the install package. This web sites offers you to download more skins or learn how to create new ones. It's all free!

Main Features:
Single voice vintage chorus effect.
Stereo spread control.
Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
In or out of phase mix control.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:
Available as: Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
Native DSP code for optimal performance.
Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
Customizable user interface with transparency management and zoom.
Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
Full featured integrated presets manager.
Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
Any sample rate supported.
Any sample rate supported.

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