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Blue Cat's Flanger for Windows 7 - "Get mesmerizing audio effects with Flanger!" - Windows 7 Download

Blue Cat's Flanger Windows 7

Blue Cat's Flanger 3.43

"Revive your audio with Flanger - a powerful Windows 7 software tool."

Are you looking for a versatile and high-quality flanger plugin? Look no further than Blue Cat's Flanger, the dynamic software developed by Blue Cat Audio. Compatible with Windows 7, this plugin allows users to manipulate audio signals and add depth to tracks with a unique combination of LFO and envelope follower modulation. Its intuitive design and customizable parameters make it an excellent choice for both novice and advanced music producers alike. Don't settle for subpar flanging effects - download Blue Cat's Flanger today for a superior audio experience.

Blue Cat's Flanger 3.43 full details

File Size: 20.60 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-02-15
Downloads: Total: 630 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Blue Cat Audio
Publisher URL:

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Blue Cat's FlangerOtherWindows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 3.3 (11 votes)

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Blue Cat's Flanger 3.43 full description

Very famous during the 70's and 80's, the Flanger effect can be used on almost any audio track: on drums, voices synths or guitars, from a subtle effect to a deep alien-like voice effect, enjoy it!

Despite its simple user interface, Blue Cat's Flanger is very versatile: harsh and metallic or smooth and soft filtering effects, it can do them all, for free!

The stereo version also lets you smoothly transform it into a stereo flanging effect with a single knob. Push the "Spread" slider and hear the difference: the effect is turning around your head, and the sound takes another dimension, spread into the stereo field.

Main Features:
Vintage flanger effect.
Stereo spread control.
Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
In or out of phase feedforward and feedback paths.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:
Available as: Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
Native DSP code for optimal performance.
Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
Customizable user interface with transparency management and zoom.
Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
Full featured integrated presets manager.
Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
Any sample rate supported.

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Very famous during the 70's and 80's, the Flanger effect can be used on almost any audio ...
Unlock a world of sonic possibilities with Blue Cat's Flanger, the ultimate audio effect plugin designed ...
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