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Blue Cat's Phaser x64 for Windows 7 - Experience Dynamic Audio Phasing - Windows 7 Download

Blue Cat's Phaser x64 Windows 7

Blue Cat's Phaser x64 3.43

"A must-have for musicians! Enhance your sound with this powerful phaser."

Welcome to the world of immersive sound experience with Blue Cat's Phaser x64! Developed by the renowned Blue Cat Audio, this software enhances the stereo image of your audio files like never before. Its advanced phasing effects produce the most electrifying musical effects that will make your recordings truly mesmerizing. With a user-friendly interface and hassle-free installation process, Blue Cat's Phaser x64 is a must-have for every music enthusiast. Try it now and hear the magic unfold right before your ears!

Blue Cat's Phaser x64 3.43 full details

File Size: 22.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-02-15
Downloads: Total: 483 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Blue Cat Audio
Publisher URL:

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Blue Cat's Phaser x64OtherWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (20 votes)

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Blue Cat's Phaser x64 3.43 full description

Modeled after vintage analog phaser circuits, Blue Cat's Phaser reproduces this old vintage phasing effect that you can find on so many recordings, but with the precision of modern digital processing techniques. You can choose to apply up to 32 phasing stages, pushing the model to its limits, or create a subtle phasing effect with wet and feedback parameters set to a few percents.

You can also control the phase of the signal in the wet and feedback paths (these parameters can have negative values), which extends the possibilities of the model: the included factory presets will show you how many sounds you can get from this effect.

The MIDI control capabilities of this plug-in let you use it with any hardware or software MIDI controller, and the User Interface is totally customizable thanks to Blue Cat's Skinning Language support.


Multi-stage analog-style phaser effect.
Up to 32 phasing stages.
Stereo spread control.
Sine or triangle LFO shapes.
In or out of phase feedforward and feedback paths.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:

Available as: Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Win-DX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win x64-DX, Win x64-VST.
Native DSP code for optimal performance.
Skinnable user interface.
Smooth Update: silent, zipper-free parameters update.
Full automation support.
No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
Real time MIDI control with advanced settings and MIDI learn.
Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
Import/Export presets in a host independent format.
Any sample rate supported.

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