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Boost C++ Libraries for Windows full changelog

Boost C++ Libraries for Windows full changelog

Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.71.0 released Aug 19, 2019 (New Release)
New Libraries: Variant2. Updated Libraries: Align, Any, Asio, Beast, CircularBuffer, Container, Context, Conversion, Core, DynamicBitset, Endian, Fiber, Filesystem, Flyweight, Histogram, Iostreams, Interprocess, Intrusive, LexicalCast, Log, Math, Metaparse, Move, MultiArray, MultiIndex, Outcome, Parameter, PtrContainer, PolyCollection, SmartPtr, Stacktrace, Test, Utility, Uuid, Variant, Yap.
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.59.0 released Aug 13, 2015 (New Release)
Known Issue

Boost.Log contains has a regression that prevents some of the logging statements from compiling (#11549). This is fixed in git.

New Libraries

Convert: An extendible and configurable type-conversion framework, from Vladimir Batov.
Coroutine2: (C++14) Coroutine library, from Oliver Kowalke.

Updated Libraries

GitHub #26: Fix bug in stable_vector::capacity(). Thanks to timsong-cpp/Arindam Mukerjee.
GitHub #27: fix stable_vector's index_of's doxygen comment. Thanks to kariya-mitsuru.
Trac #11380: "Container library std forward declarations incorrect in std_fwd.hpp on libc++ with gcc".
Trac #11388: "boost::container::list::emplace_back broken on Visual Studio 2010".
Trac #11339: "VC12 LNK2005 error with boost::container::adaptive_pool".
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.56.0 released Aug 7, 2014 (New Release)
New libraries: Align, TypeIndex. New modules from existing code: Assert, Core, Lexical_Cast, Throw_Exception. Updated libraries: Accumulators, Any, Asio, Assign, Atomic, Circular Buffer, Concept Check, Container, Context, Coroutine, Dynamic Bitset, Chrono, Flyweight, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Log, Math, Move, MPL, MultiArray, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Odeint, Optional, Predef, Preprocessor, Program Options, Regex, Smart Pointers, Thread, TTI, Unordered, Utility, UUID, Variant. Deprecated Libraries: TR1
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.55.0 released Nov 11, 2013 (New Release)
New Libraries: Predef. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Any, Asio, Atomic, Config, Chrono, Circular Buffer, Container, Context, Coroutine, Filesystem, Fusion, Geometry, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Meta State Machine, Move, Multiprecision, Multi-index Containers, MPI, Phoenix, Polygon, PropertyMap, Rational, Thread, Timer, Type Traits, Unordered, Utility, Variant, Wave, xpressive.
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.54.0 released Jul 1, 2013 (New Release)
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.53.0 released Feb 4, 2013 (New Release)

* Fixed non-ASCII char in comment (#7781).
* Updated the Knuth-Morris-Pratt docs (#7656).

* Added support for boost::get and std::get (#7652)

* Fixed some 64-to-32-bit conversion warnings (#7459).
* Fixed some small errors in documentation and comments (#7761).
* Fixed an error in the example embedded in basic_socket::get_option's documentation (#7562).
* Changed to use long rather than int for SSL_CTX options, to match OpenSSL (#7209).
* Changed to use _snwprintf to address a compile error due to the changed swprintf signature in recent versions of MinGW (#7373).
* Fixed a deadlock that can occur on Windows when shutting down a pool of io_service threads due to running out of work (#7552).
* Enabled the noexcept qualifier for error categories (#7797).
* Changed UNIX domain socket example to treat errors from accept as non-fatal (#7488).
Boost C++ Libraries for Windows 1.50.0 released Jun 28, 2012 (New Release)
New Libraries: Algorithm, Functional/OverloadedFunction, LocalFunction, Utility/IdentityType. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Array, Asio, Bimap, Chrono, Concept Check, Filesystem, Foreach, Graph, Geometry, Hash, Iostreams, Iterator, MultiArray, Lexical cast, Locale, MSM, Program Options, PropertyMap, Proto, Ratio, ScopeExit, Thread, Unordered, Wave, xpressive

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