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Box Keeper for Windows 7 - Securely Store & Manage Files - Windows 7 Download

Box Keeper Windows 7

Box Keeper 1.0

Box Keeper: Ultimate File Protection Software.

Box Keeper by Michalis Nicolaides is the ultimate solution for organizing your files and keeping them securely stored on your Windows 7 device. With its intuitive interface and powerful functionality, Box Keeper allows you to effortlessly manage your documents, photos, and videos in one place. Whether you're a professional or a creative enthusiast, Box Keeper offers the tools and features you need to streamline your workflow and keep your data protected at all times. Experience the convenience of seamless file organization and storage with Box Keeper today!

Box Keeper 1.0 full details

File Size: 2.70 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-06-24
Downloads: Total: 2089 | This Month: 641
Publisher: Michalis Nicolaides
Publisher URL:

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Box KeeperPuzzleWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 1.9 (8 votes)

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Box Keeper 1.0 full description

Box Keeper is a remarkable piece of software developed by Michalis Nicolaides that is designed to ensure that your files are secure and easy to access. It is the ultimate solution for organizing, managing and storing your data. With its intuitive interface and formidable functionality, Box Keeper is the go-to software for anyone looking to store and secure their files in a way that is both simple, yet safe and secure. It is simple to install and is compatible with Windows 7, which makes it an ideal software for anyone seeking to secure their data. If you're looking for a reliable solution to keep your data safe, then Box Keeper by Michalis Nicolaides is the perfect software for you. Download it today and give your data the care it deserves!

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Box Keeper 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 4.0

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