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Budget Worksheet for Windows 7 - "The Ultimate Budgeting Tool: Budget Worksheet" - Windows 7 Download

Budget Worksheet Windows 7

Budget Worksheet 1.3

"Effortlessly track your finances with our intuitive Budget Worksheet software."

Looking for an intuitive budgeting tool to help manage your finances? Look no further than the Budget Worksheet software from Dataware. With a user-friendly interface and straightforward budgeting categories, this program makes it easy to track your spending and stay on top of your finances. Whether you're a student, a business owner, or just looking to save money, the Budget Worksheet is an essential tool to have on hand. Download it today and take control of your finances!

Budget Worksheet 1.3 full details

File Size: 440 kB
License: Demo
Price: $19.95
Released: 2013-06-24
Downloads: Total: 289 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Dataware
Publisher URL:

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Budget WorksheetAccounting & FinanceWindows XP, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.8 (8 votes)

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Budget Worksheet 1.3 full description

Budget Worksheet is the simple way to keep track of where your money is going. Enter your budget goals and expenses, then Budget Worksheet will calculate the difference to let you know if you have met your goals each month.

This simple program makes it easy to adjust your budget so you can save more each month. It's an excellent way to track your expenses so you can make the necessary adjustments to maximize your savings. Financial planning has never been easier than it is with Budget Worksheet. This easy to use tool is essential to your financial health.


To create your first budget, load Budget Worksheet and select "Create New Budget". You will then be able to select the month for your budget. The current month will be displayed so select OK unless you want to make a budget for a different month.

Your first task will be to enter your budget amounts in the column titled "Budget". First enter your monthly after-tax income (your income minus taxes that are deducted). Next enter an amount for all your expenses (the remaining categories under Income). If you want to change a category name select the button to the left of the category name.

As a general guideline, use the 50/30/20 plan. 50% of your income for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings.

Needs include housing, utilities, transportation, food, essential clothing, insurance, child care, tuition, and minimum loan payments. If you are contractually obligated to pay something, it's a need, so choose your obligations wisely.

Wants include entertainment, vacations, and extra clothing. If you can delay a purchase with no serious consequences, it's a want.

Savings includes money for an emergency fund (3 to 6 months of after-tax income). After your emergency fund goal has been reached, use the savings portion of your budget for long-term savings such as college funds, retirement, etc.

Entering Data

Select the button to the right of the budget amount to edit this amount. Enter the total amount that you want to spend for the month.

Select the button to the right of the actual amount to edit this amount. Enter the amount that you want to spend on each day for the category. For amounts that you only pay once a month, enter that amount on the day you paid it. Change the day by selecting the arrow buttons or sliding the button (scroll thumb) along the scrollbar.


Use this option to create a new budget. Select the month for the budget.

Select this option to create a new budget that is similar to a saved budget. The budget amounts and category names from the saved budget will be transferrred to the new budget. This is option is useful when creating the next month's budget if nothing or very little is going to change from your current month's budget to your next month's budget.

Select this option to open a budget that you previously saved.

Select this option to save your budget.

Select this option to save your budget as a new name.

Select this option to print your budget.

Select this option to quit Budget Worksheet.

Use this option (or press F2) to load Microsoft Windows Calculator.

Use this option to to create a password for using Budget Worksheet. If you forget your password, you can reset it by reinstalling Budget Worksheet.

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