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build automation tool : r2build for Windows 7 - "Boost your building process with r2build." - Windows 7 Download

build automation tool : r2build Windows 7

build automation tool : r2build 2.1

"Boost development efficiency with R2Build, a powerful Windows 7 automation tool."

Looking for an efficient way to manage your software development projects on Windows 7? Look no further than r2build, the innovative build automation tool from Aurumation. This powerful software streamlines the build process and makes it easier than ever to manage workflows, update build systems, and improve overall efficiency. With r2build, you can enjoy easy integration with other development tools, automated builds and testing, and support for a wide range of platforms and environments. So why wait? Download r2build today and see the difference for yourself!

build automation tool : r2build 2.1 full details

File Size: 7.07 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-04-09
Downloads: Total: 582 | This Month: 21
Publisher: Aurumation
Publisher URL:

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build automation tool : r2build
build automation tool : r2buildAudio File RecordersWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.9 (18 votes)

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build automation tool : r2build windows 7 compatible

build automation tool : r2build 2.1 full description

R2build system is a tool/framework to establish your daily build(or nightly build, or build automation, or continuous integration system) in a very easy way . It includes, but is not limited to, plug-ins for email notification, FTP, various installer packaging tool, Java/C++/Ant/Nant/.Net/Delphi/C++Builder, and various source control tools. Feature List Have Dashboard to monitor all the projects and builds Support mutiple Project and Multiple Builds Support Build schedule Easy to create build flowgraph by drag&drop Support the following source control tools: VSS, CVS, Perforce, Clearcase, Subversion, SourroundSCM, MKS Support the following development tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2003/2005/VC6.0/VB6.0, Borland Delphi/C++Builder, Ant, Nant, Jam.. Support the following installer packaging tool: InstallShield, Inno setup, Nullsoft installer, InstallAware, AdvancedInstaller, Wise Installer Support the following automation test tool: NUnit, Rational Robot, Winrunner, QAWizard, test compelete.. Support help compiler Support Mail notification, FTP build result, Winrar, All kinds of file operation, Edit File... Open architechture, can easily support more and more new tools by XML config file

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