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BusDog for Windows 7 - BusDog: Reliable Bus Analyzer Tool. - Windows 7 Download

BusDog Windows 7

BusDog 0.2

"Get real-time insights into your USB traffic with BusDog - the ultimate Windows 7 tool!"

BusDog is a free and open-source software developed by djpnewton, designed to help you monitor USB traffic on your Windows 7 PC. This powerful tool allows you to analyze USB traffic in real-time, giving you complete control over your USB devices. With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive set of features, BusDog is the perfect tool for developers, device drivers, and security professionals who need to understand USB traffic. Whether you're debugging USB devices or analyzing USB traffic, BusDog is the go-to solution for Windows 7 users who demand the best.

BusDog 0.2 full details

File Size: 2.80 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-09-29
Downloads: Total: 251 | This Month: 6
Publisher: djpnewton
Publisher URL:

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BusDogOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

User Rating: 2.3 (14 votes)

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BusDog 0.2 full description

It is a good idea to create a system restore point before mucking about with USB class filter drivers as if you install a filter that windows cannot load (non-signed on x64, unmet dependency etc) then the pnp manager will not be able to load the driver stack for any USB device (all USB mice and keyboards will stop working). A system restore point can come in handy at this stage.

All you need to do is grab one the execuables and run it, you will then be prompted to install the busdog filter driver. The filter driver sits on top of all USB and HID devices on your system so it is possible to remove it via the setup tab.


If you are running a 64 bit system you will need to either run with testsigning enabled (homepage
The busdog client depends on the .NET 3.5 framework

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BusDog 0.2 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· improvement: Added support for tracing usb bus resets and pipe resets
· improvement: Changed trace buffer requests to be blocking (busdog GUI no longer has to poll for data)
· improvement: Added tracing of usb descriptors
· improvement: Added option to automatically start tracing new devices as they arrive
· improvement: Added support for tracing isochronous USB transfers
· improvement: Added detection of mismatched GUI/driver combo
· improvement: Added a maximum trace count option to the trace list tab
[ BusDog release history ]

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... you will then be prompted to install the busdog filter driver. The filter driver sits on top ...
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