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Cache for Google Earth for Windows 7 - "Maximize Google Earth speed." - Windows 7 Download

Cache for Google Earth Windows 7

Cache for Google Earth 1.0

Enhance Google Earth: faster and smoother with Cache for Google Earth.

Cache for Google Earth is an essential software for all Google Earth users. Developed by GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener, this software is specifically designed to help improve the performance and usability of Google Earth. With this software, you can easily cache Google Earth data, ensuring that you always have access to that data, even when you're offline. It's incredibly easy to use and offers a number of valuable benefits to any user. Whether you're a casual user or a professional, Cache for Google Earth is definitely something you need to check out!

Cache for Google Earth 1.0 full details

File Size: 2.48 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $19.00
Released: 2009-08-18
Downloads: Total: 3933 | This Month: 11
Publisher: GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener
Publisher URL:

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Cache for Google EarthConverters & OptimizersWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.1 (24 votes)

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Cache for Google Earth windows 7 compatible

Cache for Google Earth 1.0 full description

May I use "Google Earth" even without internet? YES: Without internet "Google Earth" cannot load new maps, but the former visited maps stay in the computer. "Google Earth" remembers images and maps once shown in the screen in its so called Cache memory. This cache is stored to the local disk and therefore also available without internet connection. Therefore it is also called offline memory. As long as this cache is'nt full all recently "overflown" areas are still available. And exactly thit is the problem! When the cache is full it overwrites the oldest data by newer ones. Nobody knows when the cache is full and less which data are automatically overwritten. If I need a specific area after weeks for a presentation wihout internet these data are lost. There's only a fuzzy background without details. "Google Earth" has overwitten exactly this area cause someone has prepared his holiday trip on the same computer. All the worse if you wanted to use "Google Earth" with GPS out of home and the necessary maps have disapeared. Google Earth itself provides no oppotunity to backup its cache data or to transfer it to another computer. At this point apply "Cache for Google Earth"! Backup your cache with precisely that maps you need for later use. Stay informed about the "filling level" of the cache. Exchange prepared cache copies with other computers. Features: Management of copies of the Google Earth Cache, Save an arbitrary number of copies of the Offline-Cache of Google Earth, Define exact start with "New project", Activate desired offline map stocks, Full control of the state of the current cache, Graphical overview of "filling state" and date/time of last modification, Start and close "Google Earth" directly from the Cache-Manager's interface

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Cache for Google Earth 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

"Google Earth" muss installiert

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Cache for Google Earth users' reviews

Cache for Google Earth 1.0 review by Reza (Apr 25, 2018)
we can use GE for no internet acces area

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