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callas pdfToolbox for Windows 7 - "Transform your PDFs with pdfToolbox" - Windows 7 Download

callas pdfToolbox Windows 7

callas pdfToolbox 13.0.580

"Revolutionize PDF workflows with cutting-edge pdfToolbox."

Welcome to the ultimate PDF processing software - callas pdfToolbox. Developed by callas software GmbH, pdfToolbox offers an all-in-one solution with a wide array of features to optimize, repair and convert PDF files. Whether you need to resize pages, add watermarks, or fix broken links, pdfToolbox got you covered. With its user-friendly interface, advanced automation, and customizable preflight profiles, rest assured that your PDF files are at their best. Try callas pdfToolbox now and revolutionize your PDF handling experience!

callas pdfToolbox 13.0.580 full details

File Size: 359.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $499.00
Released: 2022-01-07
Downloads: Total: 646 | This Month: 24
Publisher: callas software GmbH
Publisher URL:

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callas pdfToolboxOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.2 (17 votes)

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callas pdfToolbox 13.0.580 full description

pdfToolbox offers powerful, dynamic and easy to integrate PDF processing, from quick visual inspection and fixing to fully unattended processing of thousands of files. Using rock-solid Adobe technology pdfToolbox provides checking and fixing of even very complex problems, color management, impositioning, conversion to and from PDF and more. pdfToolbox technology is used by small companies, large publishers and print providers as well as OEMs that integrate the technology in their own solution.

With pdfToolbox you can rest assured that you will be able to fix nearly all errors of your incoming files, faster than anyone else on the block.

callas pdfToolbox Desktop is the easiest yet most powerful PDF preflight and correction application on the market. You can fix PDF problems during preflight or with a click on the button in the Switchboard. Flatten transparency, convert fonts to outlines, convert office documents or even PostScript directly into PDF, compare versions of PDFs, visualize ink coverage … no task is too difficult for callas pdfToolbox Desktop.

Key features:
Full support for all ISO PDF standards: PDF/X, PDF/A, PDF/VT and PDF/E
Full support for specifications from industry associations such as the Ghent Workgroup and PDF/X-Ready
Reporting of problems through different types of predefined PDF reports
Customizable PDF reports based on HTML templates for maximum adjustment to your brand and users (including easy adaptation of colors, layout, icons and logos and textual content)
Interactive identification of problem objects after preflight

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