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Capture Color man Lite for Windows 7 - "Brilliant Color Capture - The Ultimate Windows 7 Software" - Windows 7 Download

Capture Color man Lite Windows 7

Capture Color man Lite

Capture Color man Lite: The must-have Windows 7 software for precise color capture.

Introducing Capture Color man Lite by B.F.P Team - a powerful Windows 7 software that brings vividness to your screen! This feature-packed tool allows you to effortlessly capture any color on your display, giving creative control to artists, designers, and developers. With an intuitive user interface and lightning-fast performance, capturing and saving colors has never been easier. Enhance your workflow and unlock your imagination with Capture Color man Lite, your go-to solution for precise color selection.

Capture Color man Lite full details

File Size: 541 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-06-14
Downloads: Total: 256 | This Month: 13
Publisher: B.F.P Team
Publisher URL:

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Capture Color man LiteOtherWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.3 (32 votes)

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Capture Color man Lite full description

Are you looking for a powerful tool to enhance your Windows 7 experience? Look no further! Introducing Capture Color man Lite, an innovative software developed by the talented B.F.P Team. This remarkable application allows you to capture and manipulate colors effortlessly. Explore an extensive array of features including precise color selection, instant sampling, and customizable hotkeys, all designed to streamline your workflow. Whether you're a designer, artist, or simply someone who appreciates beautiful colors, this software is a game-changer. Experience the power of Capture Color man Lite and unleash your creativity on Windows 7 today!

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Capture Color man Lite users' reviews

Capture Color man Lite review by Andreas (Nov 26, 2014)
I contacted the author of Just Color Picker at about this issue, and he/she (I presume Anny would be rather she) replied that they are aware of it because a few users already notified them in the past. I was surprised that Anny hasn't done anything about it, but that's their choice. I personally wouldn't be so forgiving.

Anny actually advised me not to worry and rather just use the software I like the best. The author has amazingly kind and soft attitude and said that it is not the first time their software and other work has been copied, but instead of taking actions they merely see it as a compliment: it is copied because it is truly good! Anny said that instead of wasting time chasing small wrongdoing, they prefer using this time and energy on creative work.

I see the point here: nobody would copy rubbish, but I would definitely be furious if someone was stealing from me like that. I am already furious because someone stole from them!

But.... the wish of the author is the law here, so I'm going to follow Anny's advice to use the software I liked and leave this case of petty theft at that.
Capture Color man Lite review by Andrea (Nov 25, 2014)
I was looking for a color picker for my web design project, and tried heaps of them today. I saw this discussion, and couldn't walk past. I think the earlier versions of Color Man were indeed a copy of Just Color Picker's interface. The fact that the authors of Color Man added more color formats doesn't conceal the fact of the interface plagiarism. It is like adding one page to a stolen poem doesn't make it original. The newer version of Color Man's interface seems to be slightly reworked to make it different to JCPicker .

By the way, ACA Color picker IS a copy of Just Coor Picker too, they even copied the description from JCPicker's page and forgot to edit the name of the original program! So, comparing Color Man to ACA only makes things worse.

But all those plagiarism accusations aside, I did choose Just Color Picker in the end, because the quality of its make is by far superior to anything else I tried.
Capture Color man Lite review by Nonafila (Jul 22, 2014)
If - and only if - we say that Capture Color Man a is a copy, then Color Archiver (free) and Aca Color Picker (cost : 19,95 $ !) are copies too, because
they are many much similar to JCP than Capture Color Man.

Capture Color Man had big differences than JCP. It's obvious. There are
similarities too, but do not forget it's because all of these sofwares are made
for color capture.

So, I don't understand the discussion in the previous posts. It's a shame to
tear down a free software for unjustified reasons! I give a break to Mr Azar, Mr Simon Goldbaum is right, Capture Color man is not a copy.
Capture Color man Lite review by Samuel (Jul 17, 2014)
Anyone who use Capture Color Man can see that the interface is really different than JCP. Just have eyes to see...
Capture Color man Lite 2.0 review by Azar (Jul 2, 2014)
Mr Simon Goldbaum thinks that if the developers totally copy a unique interface of another program and then just add one more function to it, it becomes "not a copy". Give me a break!
I've been using all versions of JCP for many years, and know how it's author has been perfecting the interface from version to version.
By the way, JCP is free too.

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