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Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver for Windows 7 - "Purrfectly Adorable Feline Screen Saver" - Windows 7 software review. - Windows 7 Download

Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver Windows 7

Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver 2.0

"Get purrfectly clean screens with our feline-approved screen saver."

Looking for an entertaining way to keep your computer screen clean? Look no further than "Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver" developed by Nuganics. This fun and playful software features a virtual cat that licks your screen clean while you work or take a break. With easy installation and customizable settings, this screen saver is sure to bring a smile to your face and keep your computer looking great. Try it out today!

Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver 2.0 full details

File Size: 2.28 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-02-25
Downloads: Total: 1707 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Nuganics
Publisher URL:

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Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen SaverScreen Savers: NatureWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.8 (16 votes)

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Cat Licking Screen Cleaner Screen Saver 2.0 full description

This cute little kitten try's to lick your screen clean as a screen saver. You can turn off the sound in the windows screen saver options if you prefer the kitten to be silent. There is no spyware/adware in this screen saver. I recommend keeping your windows monitor power down settings at the default 20 minutes of inactivity so the kitten can go to rest after 20 minutes of cleaning your screen. This is similar to the dog licking cleaner. If you have any other pets licking cleaners please send me a message. If you have trouble viewing the kitten licking the screen update windows media player. Please write a comment if you have problems viewing the kitten.

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