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Chameleon Shutdown Lite for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly Shutdown with Chameleon" - Windows 7 Download

Chameleon Shutdown Lite Windows 7

Chameleon Shutdown Lite

"Effortlessly Shutdown Your Windows 7 PC with Chameleon Shutdown Lite"

Chameleon Shutdown Lite is a powerful and user-friendly application that provides quick and convenient access to a range of Windows 7 shutdown options. Developed by Evgeni Shmakov, this software delivers a high level of customization and flexibility, allowing users to tailor settings to their specific needs. With an intuitive interface and a range of advanced features, Chameleon Shutdown Lite is an essential tool for any Windows 7 user. So why wait? Download it today and take control of your shutdown experience!

Chameleon Shutdown Lite full details

File Size: 1.36 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-04-19
Downloads: Total: 1094 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Evgeni Shmakov
Publisher URL: http:////

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Chameleon Shutdown LiteShell ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer

User Rating: 2.9 (18 votes)

Chameleon Shutdown Lite - Windows 7 Download awards

Chameleon Shutdown Lite windows 7 compatible

Chameleon Shutdown Lite full description

Chameleon Shutdown allows you to switch off, restart, hibernate the computer and perform other operations both immediately and when certain conditions are met (specific time, delay, idle time, CPU usage, closure of a certain program). You can add multiple conditions without limitation. The interface supports skins and is very easy to use.

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Chameleon Shutdown Lite Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Bug fixes
[ Chameleon Shutdown Lite release history ]

Chameleon Shutdown Lite Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP or above

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Chameleon Shutdown Lite for Windows 7 - Copyright information

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Chameleon Shutdown Lite users' reviews

Chameleon Shutdown Lite review by Malcolm (Oct 25, 2012)
Why on earth do we have to be forced to download other software that we do not want, just because we wish to try this program which to myself seems a good program.
This is happening a lot today, I don't want the program they wish to install onto my PC, but I would have liked to try the original program.
So I have not downloaded anything free or otherwise unfortunately.

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