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ChartQuick full changelog

ChartQuick full changelog

ChartQuick 2.0.1 released Sep 7, 2010 (New Release)
Edit Existing Chart/Table
In prior versions, once you created a chart or table and closed the Chart Wizard, any further changes had to be made manually in PowerPoint. This new feature lets you scroll through an existing presentation and select an existing chart or table that was created with ChartQuick. Then it re-opens the Chart Wizard so you can make whatever edits you want, then re-save.

Default Settings
This new command on the main menu lets you set selected chart and footnote options to be applied automatically to all new charts, so you don't have to spend time making the same adjustments to each new chart.

Add Series and Add Rows
Use these new features to expand existing charts by going back to your datasheet and adding additional columns or rows.

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