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Chop and Behead for Windows 7 - Revolutionize video editing: "Chop and Behead"! - Windows 7 Download

Chop and Behead Windows 7

Chop and Behead 1.1

"Revolutionize Video Editing with Chop and Behead for Windows 7."

Looking for an efficient solution to chop and behead large files? Look no further than "Chop and Behead" by Canadian Mind Products. This Windows 7 software is the perfect tool for breaking down large files into manageable sizes, saving you time and hassle. Its intuitive user interface and powerful features make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to optimize their file management. With "Chop and Behead," you can easily split and rejoin files without sacrificing file quality or performance. So why wait? Download "Chop and Behead" today and start simplifying your file management process.

Chop and Behead 1.1 full details

File Size: 176 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-07-13
Downloads: Total: 53 | This Month: 4
Publisher: Canadian Mind Products
Publisher URL:

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Chop and BeheadHTML ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (2 votes)

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Chop and Behead 1.1 full description

Chops the end ends off text files either before or after a marker string. The companion Behead utility chops the beginnings off files before or after a marker string. chop.jar [-q] -charset="UTF-8" -before="xxx" -after="yyy" [-s] files and dirs -q = quiet. Suppress progress messages. -charset= what character set the file is, uses platform default if you leave it out. -before= the string to look for in the file. The tail end of the file is chopped off starting just before this marker. The marker is case-sensitive. -after= the string to look for in the file. The tail end of the file is chopped off starting just after this marker. You must have either -before or -after but not both. The marker is case-sensitive. -s= also process subdirs, then a list of files and directories, multiples but no wildcards supported yet. Neither -before nor -after can be regexes. It is almost impossible to specify a regex on the command line without the command line processor messing it up. For details on possible encodings and how to tell which encoding a file is using, see "encoding" in the Java glossary. behead.jar [-q] -charset="UTF-8" -before="xxx" -after="yyy" [-s] files and dirs What are these utilities for? I wrote them when a bug tacked on junk to my files. I wrote it to strip off the junk. It can be useful is screenscraping to peel footers or headers off the pages you download. Why the axe icon? It symbolises chopping the end off a file or beheading.

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Chop and Behead 1.1 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Now allows you to chop both the heads and tails off files.
[ Chop and Behead release history ]

Chop and Behead 1.1 Windows 7 requirements

Java 1.8+

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