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Chrono Namer for Windows 7 - Chrono Namer: Efficient file naming. - Windows 7 Download

Chrono Namer Windows 7

Chrono Namer 1.0.0

"Revolutionize file naming with Chrono Namer - the ultimate tool for organizing your data."

Chrono Namer is a powerful file renaming tool designed for Windows 7 users who demand precision and convenience. Developed by Mattias Nilsson, this software allows you to rename batches of files with ease, based on their creation or modification time. With an intuitive interface and customizable settings, Chrono Namer is a must-have for anyone handling large amounts of files. Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow with this top-notch tool.

Chrono Namer 1.0.0 full details

File Size: 13.01 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-11-29
Downloads: Total: 149 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Mattias Nilsson
Publisher URL:

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Chrono NamerFile & Disk ManagementWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.4 (19 votes)

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Chrono Namer 1.0.0 full description

Chrono Namer is a tool for organize your photos, video clips etc. It rename images to time-formatted name. Usually Cameras, cell phones etc. name their images with an index number. This makes it easy to sort the images from one camera. But it doesn't work if you want to sort them together with images from other cameras. The solution is to rename the images to a date and time format that can be sorted in chronological order. Then it doesn't matter from which camera you get the images. They will be sorted by when they were taken anyway. Chrono Namer also makes it possible to easily append extra text in the end of the filename on large selections of images. This may be the name of a place from e.g. a trip. But also a name of an event. The text makes it easier to find the right files and to remember. Chrono Namer can also be used for viewing the images, video clips, sound etc. The appended text to the filename, described above, can be viewed during the slideshow. The slideshow feature supports most of the standard image-, video- and audio- formats. Files that are not directly supported by Chrono Namer, can still be viewed if you set up an external viewer for that particular file type.

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