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Citrus Alarm Clock for Windows 7 - Citrus Alarm Clock - Wake up brilliantly. - Windows 7 Download

Citrus Alarm Clock Windows 7

Citrus Alarm Clock 2.4.1

"Start your day on time and on the right note with Citrus Alarm Clock."

Welcome to the world of Citrus Alarm Clock – the perfect software to kickstart your mornings! Developed by Orangeline Interactive, this app has a user-friendly interface and offers a range of features that allow you to customize your wake-up experience. Citrus Alarm Clock offers a variety of alarm sounds and a snooze option. Plus, it has a weather feature that lets you know what to expect from the day ahead. This app is compatible with Windows 7 and has been praised for its intuitive design and functionality. Say goodbye to groggy mornings and try Citrus Alarm Clock today!

Citrus Alarm Clock 2.4.1 full details

File Size: 1.13 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $12.95
Released: 2020-08-06
Downloads: Total: 5355 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Orangeline Interactive
Publisher URL:

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Citrus Alarm ClockClocks & AlarmsWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.7 (39 votes)

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Citrus Alarm Clock windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Citrus Alarm Clock 2.4.1 full description

Tired of setting your alarm clock to a different time each day? Tired of waking up to typical radio fodder or annoying beeps? Citrus can help! It's a software alarm clock that gently wakes you using your own mp3 collection.

Citrus: The Computer Alarm Clock
Citrus lets you set as many alarms as you like, so you can wake up at different times on different days.
Your own music can be used as an alarm, even as playlists, and it will fade in gently so you won't be startled awake.

All The Features You Love
If you need to snooze a little longer, hit the space bar—or keep your wireless mouse by your bedside and hold down the middle button.
Don't worry if your computer goes into its low-power "sleep" state overnight; Citrus will wake it up right before it wakes you up!

Citrus Alarm Clock Features

* Set as many different alarms as you'd like with different times for different days
* Wakes up your computer from its low-power sleep mode just in time for the alarm activation
* Snooze mode lets you sleep in a little longer
* MP3, WMA, and many other media types are supported
* Create custom playlists and wake up to a different song each morning
* Fade in alarm audio for relaxed awakening
* Animated alarm time display
* Activate snooze mode with a quick middle-click from your bedstand with a wireless mouse
* Always ensures your system volume is at just the right volume
* Skip holidays using the "skip alarm" feature

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