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CleanHaven full changelog

CleanHaven full changelog

CleanHaven 2.5 released Feb 8, 2013 (New Release)
[New] You can now remove all email addresses, or as an option, remove all text except the email addresses.
[New] You can now view the invisible characters.
[New] You can now spell check words based on every dictionary. It returns Correct if the word is in one or more dictionary and Incorrect if the word is not in any of the available dictionaries.
[New] You can now run the application at Full Screen on MacOS X.
[New] You can now return a list of all the Dictionary languages that each word is listed in.
[New] You can now remove excess tabs.
[New] You can now remove all ‘http://…’ and ‘www…’ web addresses, or as an option, remove all text except the web addresses.
[New] You can now lookup geolocation data based on Apple’s Core Location, Google and Yahoo APIs
[New] You can now find the number of days from a date until Christmas.
[New] You can now Encrypt and Decrypt your text using a PassKey and Salt text.
[New] You can now convert words to Alphagrams (the letters of each word are sorted)
CleanHaven 2.4 released Mar 4, 2010 (New Release)
[New] You can now wrap the selected text with an HTML expression e.g. …
[New] You can now wrap Text after a set number of characters
[New] You can now view an Options window showing the latest clicked Clean or Save method with a Description and Example of the Clean.
[New] You can now Transpose columns and rows, so Rows become Columns and Columns become Rows.
[New] You can now see the text differences are between two similar sets of text.
[New] You can now Save the Styled Text window as a Rich Text Format (RTF) file.
[New] You can now save from the Source window areas as well as the Results window. The Results Table can be saved as XLS, CSV, Tab-Delimited or as a SQLite database.
[New] You can now Revise the Negative Verbs to more or less formal forms.
[New] You can now remove ASCII control characters.
[New] You can now jumble each word, creating Anagrams.
[New] You can now format a number with a specified text format e.g. Currency to “$###,###,##0.00;($###,###,##0.00);$0.00”

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